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From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ncurses-5.7-20101204.patch.gz
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 16:18:08 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

 ncurses 5.7 - patch 20101204 - Thomas E. Dickey


 Ncurses 5.7 is at

 Patches for ncurses 5.7 are in the subdirectory

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Sat Dec  4 21:15:53 UTC 2010
 NEWS                         |   11 ++++++++++-
 announce.html.in             |   12 ++----------
 dist.mk                      |    4 ++--
 doc/html/Ada95.html          |    9 +++++----
 doc/html/announce.html       |   12 ++----------
 doc/html/hackguide.html      |    6 +++---
 doc/html/index.html          |   24 +++++++++---------------
 doc/html/ncurses-intro.html  |    6 +++---
 include/Caps                 |   10 ++--------
 include/Caps.aix4            |   10 ++--------
 include/Caps.hpux11          |   10 ++--------
 include/Caps.keys            |   10 ++--------
 include/Caps.osf1r5          |   10 ++--------
 include/Caps.uwin            |   10 ++--------
 man/captoinfo.1m             |    8 +-------
 man/clear.1                  |    8 +-------
 man/curs_add_wch.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_add_wchstr.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/curs_addch.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_addchstr.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_addstr.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_addwstr.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_attr.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_beep.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_bkgd.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_bkgrnd.3x           |   10 ++--------
 man/curs_border.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_border_set.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/curs_clear.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_color.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_delch.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_deleteln.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_extend.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_get_wstr.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_getcchar.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_getch.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_getstr.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_getyx.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_in_wch.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_in_wchstr.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/curs_inch.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_inchstr.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_initscr.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_inopts.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_ins_wch.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_ins_wstr.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_insch.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_insstr.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_instr.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_inwstr.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_kernel.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_legacy.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_memleaks.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_mouse.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_move.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_opaque.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_outopts.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_overlay.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_pad.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/curs_print.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_printw.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_refresh.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_scanw.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_scr_dump.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_scroll.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/curs_slk.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/curs_sp_funcs.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_termattrs.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/curs_termcap.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_terminfo.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/curs_threads.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/curs_touch.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_trace.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/curs_util.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/curs_variables.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/curs_window.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/default_colors.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/define_key.3x            |   10 ++--------
 man/form.3x                  |    8 +-------
 man/form_cursor.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/form_data.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/form_driver.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/form_field.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_attributes.3x |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_buffer.3x     |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_info.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_just.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_new.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_opts.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_userptr.3x    |    8 +-------
 man/form_field_validation.3x |    8 +-------
 man/form_fieldtype.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/form_hook.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/form_new.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/form_new_page.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/form_opts.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/form_page.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/form_post.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/form_requestname.3x      |    8 +-------
 man/form_userptr.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/form_variables.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/form_win.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/infocmp.1m               |    8 +-------
 man/infotocap.1m             |    8 +-------
 man/key_defined.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/keybound.3x              |   10 ++--------
 man/keyok.3x                 |    8 +-------
 man/legacy_coding.3x         |   10 ++--------
 man/menu.3x                  |    8 +-------
 man/menu_attributes.3x       |    8 +-------
 man/menu_cursor.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/menu_driver.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/menu_format.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/menu_hook.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/menu_items.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/menu_mark.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/menu_new.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/menu_opts.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/menu_pattern.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/menu_post.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/menu_requestname.3x      |    8 +-------
 man/menu_spacing.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/menu_userptr.3x          |    8 +-------
 man/menu_win.3x              |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_current.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_name.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_new.3x             |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_opts.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_userptr.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_value.3x           |    8 +-------
 man/mitem_visible.3x         |    8 +-------
 man/ncurses.3x               |    8 +-------
 man/resizeterm.3x            |    8 +-------
 man/tabs.1                   |    8 +-------
 man/term.5                   |    8 +-------
 man/term.7                   |    8 +-------
 man/term_variables.3x        |    8 +-------
 man/terminfo.tail            |    8 +-------
 man/tic.1m                   |    8 +-------
 man/toe.1m                   |    8 +-------
 man/tput.1                   |    8 +-------
 man/tset.1                   |    8 +-------
 man/wresize.3x               |    8 +-------
 misc/terminfo.src            |   13 ++-----------
 ncurses/tinfo/captoinfo.c    |   16 +++++++++++++++-
 145 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 1015 deletions(-)
        + add special case to _nc_infotocap() to recognize the setaf/setab
          strings from xterm+256color and xterm+88color, and provide a reduced
          version which works with termcap.
        + remove obsolete emacs "Local Variables" section from documentation
          (request by Sven Joachim).
        + update doc/html/index.html to include NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.html 
          (report by Sven Joachim).

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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