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Announcing libviper and VWM

From: Bryan Christ
Subject: Announcing libviper and VWM
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:14:11 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070419)

With special thanks to HP for their excellent commitment to open-source, I am happy to announce the release of libviper, VWM, Linsanity and it's dependencies under the GPL2.

Also, special thanks to Thomas Dickey and all on this list who put up with a year of questions from me :)

VWM - An extensible, window manager for the console. Built on top of libpseudo and libviper, VWM is more visual alternative to Screen. Mozilla style plugins allow for simple expandability--follow a few simple API rules and drop your shared-object into a directory to have it added to the main menu.

libviper - An API for quickly developing console, curses based interfaces with mouse support (GPM). It's a good alternative to the panels library. The API preserves many of the familiar ncurses monikers. It also provides, basic, GTK-like window signal handling.

libpseudo - Provides a simple, tunable, thread-like facility via a callback queue and a thread-safe, shared messaging queue.

Linsanity - Linsanity is a suite of test tools (VWM plugins) for stressing the Linux kernel and hardware (user-space code). Currently, there is a NIC integrity and performance test and test for optical storage (read-only).

These projects are available at SourceForge via anonymous CVS
download and source tarballs (Linsanity tools coming soon...)

Obligatory Screenshots of vwm are also available on the SourceForge page for vwm.



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