I have been working on the
following php server. To give you some background.....I have a vb6 client
that sends a string of 4 values that is on a timer to send values every
second. I need to have my server recieve these values every and disregard
that previous value. Basically I just need 4 values to be sent every
second and continually updating. I have ran into the problem in which I
the code I have will recieve on value but not more than that. It has been
recommended that ncurses may be able to give me what I need to do this? If
true...here is my server code...I was wondering if you could explain a litttle
bit to me about ncurse and offer me some insight on exactly what I may need to
do tho get this thing running. I am brand new to linux coding and php so I
do not have much experience and knowledge at all. Any information you
could off would be appreciated.
> function giveMeAnArray($delimiter, $string)
> return explode($delimiter, $string);
> $read_write = "read";
> if($read_write ==
> {
> //Initialize the
> set_time_limit(50000);
> $address =
> $port = 10119;
> $sock =
socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,
socket_bind($sock, $address, $port) or die ('Could
> not bind to
> //Start listening on the
> //There could be a 'while true' or something
> to make it infinite
> //
> socket_listen($sock);
> //Accept an incoming
> $client =
//Read whatever was just sent, 1024 bytes'
> worth. Make this
> long you need.
$global_string = socket_read($client, 1024);
> print ("Serving
> //Strip
> $global_string =
ereg_replace("[ \t\n\r]", "",
> $global_string).chr(0);
> $delim = ',';
> $array =
> $global_string);
> //for($i=0; $i < count($array);
> print("Coil ID
number: $array[0]\n");
print("Coil Width:
print("Footage Count:
print("Coil Length: $array[3]\n");
> //Close the while loop here, if you
had one
> //Close the
connection; and the socket itself.
//print ("Closed socket
> //print ("Server
exiting now...\n");
> } //ends if
> ?>