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Re: problems with screen redraws?

From: Fairlight
Subject: Re: problems with screen redraws?
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 14:17:00 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/

On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 01:57:31PM -0400, Thomas Dickey, the prominent pundit,
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Fairlight wrote:
> > I'm having an odd problem with ncurses 5.4.
> >
> > I'm creating a line with sprintf() that is always the same length.
> >
> > I use mvwaddstr to place the line over the top of a previous line.  The
> > problem is that I'm doing something similar to `top`--a monitor program.
> > Well, the lines occasionally get shifted over one space at the start
> > position. I specify 0 and it starts at 1.  I specify 1, it starts at 2.
> > But only sporadically, and not all rows do it.  Different rows also do
> > this.
> If the string is as wide as the screen and if the terminal description
> regarding wrapping isn't correct, that could be a problem (guessing).

The line used to be as wide as the screen, but I changed it so that the
last column would not be used, thinking this may have been an issue.  It
seemed to alleviate some of the problem, but it's not entirely gone.

> The usual suspect in this case is the terminal emulator, but I use
> both screen and PuTTY frequently (but admittedly with a small range of
> applications), haven't _noticed_ a problem.

> There's an up-to-date entry for "putty" in
>       ftp://invisible-island.net/ncurses/terminfo.src.gz

Hmmm.  But I'm running inside screen, remember?

FWIW, I set term to vt100 before I go into screen.

I don't suppose the script would help you?  Like I said, I use the perl
Curses module to access the library, but it's readily recognisable what I'm

Fairlight->   ||| "Even a stopped clock gives the    | Fairlight Consulting
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