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Re: getting input not working

From: Peter Jay Salzman
Subject: Re: getting input not working
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 19:45:50 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

ok, after thinking about it, i realized the answer to my question is
"yes, stdin is redirected away from the keyboard and to a file".

that's why getch() is failing.  it's reading from the wrong stream.

if i'm on the right track, is there a way to reconnect stdin to the


begin Peter Jay Salzman <address@hidden> 
> hi there,
> this is ncurses on debian testing.
> my program takes words from stdin and orders them into a binary tree.
> very similar to "self referential structures" from kernighan/ritchie's
> "the C programming language" (pg 139).  like:
> a.out < file_of_words
> after the words are ordered into a binary tree, i'm using ncurses to
> print the tree.
> here's (very) pared down ncurses code:
> void ncurses_print_tree(struct node *node_ptr)
> {
>    WINDOW *win;
>    int c = 65;
>    initscr();
>    win = newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
>    while ( 1 )
>    {
>       c = wgetch(win);
>       wrefresh(win);
>       mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%c", c);
>    }
>    delwin(win);
>    endwin();
> }
> i expect my keystrokes to be displayed in the upper left corner of the
> xterm.  instead, all that's being displayed is "-1".  this is "ERR", as
> defined in ncurses.h.
> i check win for NULL, and i'm able to mvwprintw() stuff to the screen.
> it looks like the program isn't "waiting" to collect my input.
> i'm wondering if i've somehow "ruined" stdin by collecting input on
> stdin.  i've tried using fflush(stdin) to make sure there's nothing
> there, but still no success.
> when i debug the program, gdb steps over getch() as if it weren't there.
> any idea why collecting input may be failing?
> pete
> -- 
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> then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.
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