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Re: bug with TERM=xterm but not with TERM=linux

From: Erik Sigra
Subject: Re: bug with TERM=xterm but not with TERM=linux
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 19:01:30 +0200

söndagen den  6 maj 2001 18:40 skrev Erik Wasser:
> Hello address@hidden,
> just a few days before I began programing with the ncurses library and
> perl. But then I found a bug. But I was not sure If the bug was perl
> related or curses related, so I wrote a little C program (see
> attachment) to show you the bug.
> The program should print something like this:
>        111111111 [...]
>        222222222 [...]
>        333333333 [...]
>        444444444 [...]
>        555555555 [...]
>        666666666 [...]
> I know, it's meaningless, but it's just for the demonstration. But it
> prints out this.
>        1111111     111 [...]
>        1111111     111 [...]
>        222222 2    222 [...]
>        333333  3   333 [...]
>        444444   4  444 [...]
>        555555    5 555 [...]
>        666666     6666 [...]
> Oddities:
> 1) If you resize the window everything is going back to normal. I use
> Mandrake 8.0 with KDE2.1 and konsole as 'xterm'.
> 2) On the normal linux text console ALT-F1-F6 the program is working.
> 3) If I set "export TERM=linux" (the old value is 'xterm') then the
> program works under konsole of KDE very fine.
> Now I'm a little bit confused: Is it the fault of ncurses or is it the
> fault of KDE?
> Thanks for your help... B-)
> I'm using:
> - ncurses-5.2-12mdk
> - libncurses5-devel-5.2-12mdk
> - libncurses5-5.2-12mdk

This program seems to work OK for me with Konsole 1.0.1 with KDElibs 2.1.2, 
but I may have some post-5.2 patches for ncurses installed. "echo $TERM" 
shows "xterm".

The only thing I could recommend you is upgrading to KDE 2.1.2 and all 
ncurses patches. See if it helps.

I changed "long argc" to "int argc" because of this:
% gcc curses.c -Wall -ansi -pedantic -lcurses -o curses
curses.c:7: warning: first argument of `main' should be `int'

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