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Re: [bug-myserver] bug reports and suggestions

From: esmtps esmtps
Subject: Re: [bug-myserver] bug reports and suggestions
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 23:45:50 -0600

>> first bug,
>> src/connections_scheduler/listen_threads.cpp
>> to fix the --enable-ipv6 compiling show stopper.
> We recently changed the log manager and some code is still broken.

that was my assumption. i just put it up there just in case it was
overlooked. note: i don't know a thing about programming.

>> second bug,
>> compiling with --prefix=/prefix does not have an effect on
>> /etc/myserver, /var/log/myserver, and /var/web.
>> with DESTDIR=/destdir and --prefix=/prefix, causes
>> /prefix/destdir/prefix/var/web not /prefix/destdir/var/web.
> It needs to be investigated better, I'll take a deeper look as soon as
> possible.

thank you. if i knew how to edit makefiles, i would had sent a patch instead.

>> third bug,
>> gnu myserver does not look in $HOME/.myserver but, works with
>> executing myserver as a symbolic link in $HOME/.myserver or any other
>> path. i did not check if adding that directory to $PATH would had done
>> the expected behavior since that would be further hiding the bug.
> Do you mean that it doesn't look in $HOME/.myserver for configuration
> files?  If so, it is a bug and needs to be fixed.
> The myserver executable can be placed in any directory, it will
> automatically change the current working directory to its directory.
> Running it directly or using a symbolic link will not make any
> difference in the configuration files that will be used.

yes, the first thing i did was copied the configuration files from
/etc/myserver to $HOME/.myserver, configured it, and executed it. i
noticed that it just looked in either the working directory or
/etc/myserver. i only used the symbolic links to hide the bug a

>> first suggestion,
>> for virtualhosts.xml, if the term, virtual host, is not used properly,
>> why not renaming it to hosting.xml and <VHOST> to <HOSTING>/<HOST>?
> It is a proper name for HTTP/HTTPS, it is not completely correct with
> other protocols, like FTP, where there is not the "virtual host"
> concept.  I agree that virtualhosts.xml is not a nice name but I don't
> agree that hosting.xml sucks less :)  Do you (or anybody else) have a
> better name?

... protocols.xml... i'll get back to you on that one...

>> second suggestion,
>> agreeing with debian, the name, myserver, is too generic/vague. since
>> gnu myserver is still in a pre-official gnu release stage, i suggest
>> renaming to something more catchy or straight-forward.  i could send
>> you a list of suggested names. =P
> This is going to be a FAQ.  Generic/vague is not proper I think.  At
> least "myserver" has a "server" part that gives the idea of what the
> software does.  It can't be more specific like MyWebServer, I am sure
> you agree it sounds very bad (and the FTP protocol implementation does
> too).
> Beside technical difficulties (like web domain, change the name in
> several places), I personally like this name, it gives the idea that you
> own the server and have full control on it, that is not so bad at all
> considering how we care about freedom.
> How many people here dislike the name?

YourServer might do better but, anything with "my" or "your" in a name
just invites bad grammar when talking about it. also, MSCGI had me
double checking what it was. i was thinking something like Silky or
the like.

> We are in a phase where any suggestion from users is very helpful.
> Thank you again for your comments and advises!  Did you have any other
> problem while you were using MyServer?  Do you think that something can
> be made easier to use/understand?

this was actually the only web server i've ever tried out. i tend to
figure things out on my own but, configuring it was pretty
straight-forward. i didn't test anything more than the example site
and a static page. the example site had documentation/index.htm
missing but, that could be that i had a missing library. i'll find out
if that was the case later.

at the moment, i know very little on web development but, as soon set
up a few web sites with myserver, i'll report back to you on my
experience with it.

thank you,

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