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Re: [PATCH] Add arithmetic builtin functions

From: Gisle Vanem
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add arithmetic builtin functions
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 16:34:04 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.9.0

Pete Dietl wrote:

Here I submit to you a patch that adds the following builtin functions
to make: `add` (addition), `sub` (subtraction), `mul`
(multiplication), `div` (division), `mod` (modulus), `max` (maximum),
`min` (minimum), and `abs` (absolute value). The implementation I
provide supports both integers and floats with promotions from integer
to float when appropriate (an operation where at least one argument is
a float causes the other argument to be promoted to a float and the
result to be a float).

This would be nice, but...

+#define generic_math_op(a, b, op)                                             \
+  ((void)sizeof (                                                             \
+       char[__builtin_types_compatible_p (typeof (a), typeof (b)) ? 1 : -1]), \
+   _Generic ((a),                                                             \
+       double: generic_math_op_double,                                        \
+       long long int: generic_math_op_ll) (a, b, op))

this is some GNU-C-ism that wont compile with MSVC.

+static char *
+func_add (char *o, char **argv, const char *funcname)
+  struct number n = perform_math_op (
+      op_add, funcname,
+      (struct math_operation_init){ .init_type = t_constant, .constant = 0 },
+      argv);

Not sure about such inline 'structs'.


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