From: | Lawrence Ibarria |
Subject: | RE: please help me |
Date: | Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:56:29 -0800 |
That message is to be expected. RM is simply informing you that there is no file that conforms to ‘*~’. Do man rm to figure out a way to prevent this warning from appearing. -- Lawrence From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Khadigeh Beiranvand Hi When I typping make clean in terminal,The following message is issued: address@hidden:~/ptsgcodes/xpdp1/src$ make clean rm: cannot remove `*~': No such file or directory make: *** [clean] Error 1 my makefile is: ## ## PDP1 Makefile ## FILE_EXT = linux ## XGPATH = /usr/local/lib/xgrafix ## Gas type for the mcc package. Uncomment only one. ## ## ## EXEC = ../bin/xpdp1.$(FILE_EXT) ## CC = gcc ## ## C compiler. Normally gcc. ## CFLAGS= -g -I$(XGPATH) -DPDP1PATH=\"$(HOME)/xpdp1/src\" ## ## Flags used for compiling. -O2 for optimization, which is optional. ## If the X11 include files are not located in /usr/include/X11, you ## must specify the directory as a flag prefixed by -I. For instance, ## if the include files for X11 are located in /usr/local/include, the ## flag -I/usr/local/include must also be passed. ## LIBS = -L$(XGPATH) -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXGC250 -ltk -ltcl -lXpm -lX11 -lm -ldl ## ## Libraries and their directories used in loading. Normal is -lm and -lX11 ## for the Math and X11 libraries, which is NOT optional. On Unicos, -lnet ## is also used. If the X11 libraries are not located in /usr/lib/X11, you ## must also specify the directory as a flag prefixed by -L. For instance, ## if the include files for X11 are located in /usr/local/lib, the flag ## -L/usr/local/lib must also be passed. On Sun, use -Bstatic to avoid ## problems with differing versions of OS. Man cc for more information on flags. ## ## PDP1OBJ= fft.o field.o move.o gather.o pdp1.o start.o load.o prest.o \ padjus.o initwin.o maxwellv.o mccdiaginit.o xsect.o\ argonmcc.o heliummcc.o neonmcc.o oxygenmcc.o mcc.o argoncf4mcc.o all: $(PDP1OBJ) $(EXEC) .c.o: pdp1.h xsect.h $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(EXEC): $(PDP1OBJ) $(CC) -o $(EXEC) $(PDP1OBJ) $(LIBS) clean: @rm *.o *~ Information of my machine is: GNU Make 3.81 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program built for i486-pc-linux-gnu please help me to solve it. with best regard. khadije |
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