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Re: issue when using MAKEFILES variable
From: |
Martin Dorey |
Subject: |
Re: issue when using MAKEFILES variable |
Date: |
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 16:40:19 -0700 |
> sadely I can't give you the real files
If you copy them, then strip out everything that turns out to be irrelevant,
then rename all the remaining targets, variables and files, then you'll end up
with an example that you can send us. I've done that on a number of occasions
for compiler bugs and, while I can attest that it's tedious work, it rarely
takes longer than, say, an hour.
----- Original Message -----
From: jean-luc malet <address@hidden>
To: Martin Dorey
Cc: address@hidden <address@hidden>
Sent: Sat Oct 31 12:24:45 2009
Subject: Re: issue when using MAKEFILES variable
Hi! thanks for the reply
I tried with another makefile created from scratch and indeed the
behaviour is the expected one...
the problem still arise with the makefile used in product....
this makefile does include some other makefiles containing default rules
in fact this looks like this :
====== Makefile.top ========
include default.rules
SOURCES=1.c 2.c 3.c
todo : lib
====== default.rules ========
all : todo
some other rules that convert SOURCES variable into something usefull
when I add
include to Makefile.top this work each time (first and other times)
when I come back to the above and run it using MAKEFILES it never run
sadely I can't give you the real files because the files used are
owned by the corporation I'm working for...
I don't understand but it seems that the fact that make parse the
Makefile.top before the Makefile.conf and that make parse the
Makefile.conf before the Makefile.top change the behaviour....
I was thinking about some ':=' variables.... but I don't think this is the issue
since Makefile.conf contain only export variable=values it can be
sourced into a sh.... when I do
source Makefile.conf; make -f Makefile.top all
this is working again....
to summarise :
1) if I set the env before running make using sh this is working
2) if I use MAKEFILES variable to have make set the env for me this never work
3) if I use include directive in Makefile to have make set the env for
me it is working
for me 1) and 2) should behave the same way and for some reason it don't...
thanks and regard
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Martin Dorey <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm having trouble understanding what you mean. When you've read my example
> below, if the lack of "hello from theconffile" output in the first run of
> make, and its presence in the second run, doesn't answer your question and
> show you how to solve the problem, then please modify my example to
> illustrate your problem, saying what you think the output should be where
> the actual output differs.
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ cat > theconffile
> $(info hello from theconffile)
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ cat > Makefile
> default:
> ^ MAKEFILES=theconffile $(MAKE) -C component -f Makefile
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ mkdir component
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ cat > component/Makefile
> $(info hello from component/Makefile)
> default:;
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ make
> MAKEFILES=theconffile make -C component -f Makefile
> hello from component/Makefile
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/martind/tmp/make-jpm/component'
> make[1]: `default' is up to date.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/martind/tmp/make-jpm/component'
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ cat > Makefile
> default:
> ^ MAKEFILES=$(CURDIR)/theconffile $(MAKE) -C component -f Makefile
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$ make
> MAKEFILES=/home/martind/tmp/make-jpm/theconffile make -C component -f
> Makefile
> hello from theconffile
> hello from component/Makefile
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/martind/tmp/make-jpm/component'
> make[1]: `default' is up to date.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/martind/tmp/make-jpm/component'
> address@hidden:~/tmp/make-jpm$
> -----Original Message-----
> From: address@hidden
> [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of jean-luc
> malet
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 04:24
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: issue when using MAKEFILES variable
> hi!
> I face issue when using MAKEFILES variable
> this variable is set into a toplevel makefile and contain only
> export varname=varvalue
> lines
> then submake is called into rules like this
> target :
> MAKEFILES=theconffile ${MAKE} -C the/component/path -f Makefile
> target
> into the/component/path/Makefile
> I have several include, some targets....
> and
> $(warning ${VAR})
> $(warning ${MAKEFILE_LIST})
> $(warning ${MAKEFILES})
> where VAR is a variable found only in theconffile
> MAKEFILE_LIST and MAKEFILES warning show correct behaviour :
> theconfile is first makefile read then Makefile is....
> VAR warning is correct, thus I think that the behaviour in correct....
> BUT all targets fails
> there is a target todo: into the Makefile
> and make complain about not knowing how to do todo....
> HOWEVER if I do
> include theconffile
> into Makefile
> and run sub make with
> ${MAKE} -C the/component/path -f Makefile target
> then it works.......
> I'm puzzled....
> thanks a lot
> --
> KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
> (garde le simple, imbécile!)
> "mais qu'est-ce que tu m'as pondu comme usine à gaz? fait des choses
> simples et qui marchent, espèce d'imbécile!"
> -----------------------------
> "Si vous pensez que vous êtes trop petit pour changer quoique ce soit,
> essayez donc de dormir avec un moustique dans votre chambre." Betty
> Reese
> http://www.grainesdechangement.com/citations.htm
> _______________________________________________
> Bug-make mailing list
> address@hidden
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KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
(garde le simple, imbécile!)
"mais qu'est-ce que tu m'as pondu comme usine à gaz? fait des choses
simples et qui marchent, espèce d'imbécile!"
"Si vous pensez que vous êtes trop petit pour changer quoique ce soit,
essayez donc de dormir avec un moustique dans votre chambre." Betty