-----Original Message----- From: Philip Guenther [mailto:address@hidden] Sent: 31 July 2009 20:53 To: address@hidden
Cc: address@hidden Subject: Re: Segmentation fault in make-3.81
> Is there some reason that you didn't use the solution that works in every > version of make that has ever been written and instead used a complex
> solution that only has a chance of working in the most recent versions of a > single make implementation? > > %_struct.h: %_struct.def > ifdef VERBOSE > CHIPNAME=`echo $* | tr a-z A-Z` ; \
> $(REGCONV) -chipname $$CHIPNAME $< -simout $@ > else > address@hidden $* | tr a-z A-Z` ; \ > echo Creating regconv header file CHIPNAME=$$CHIPNAME: $(notdir $@) ; \ > $(REGCONV) -chipname $$CHIPNAME $< -simout $@
> endif
You're quite right and your solution above is indeed the sensible way to write it :-) However, I'd just been reading about the new features added in make 3.81 and was experimenting.
Still, having make throw a segmentation fault is bad so I figured it was worth reporting the issue so that the problem could be fixed. After all, the next person to run into the same bug might not be using such a simple
makefile with easy alternatives.