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Re: Bug in make-3.81: variable_buffer moves out from under buffer

From: David Wuertele
Subject: Re: Bug in make-3.81: variable_buffer moves out from under buffer
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:07:02 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Martin Dorey <mdorey <at> bluearc.com> writes:

> In the original makefile, does
> the long rule really not contain any variables or involve any $(eval) 
> trickery?

Not sure what you mean by trickery, but it definitely involves eval and

The rule is created with an eval:

$(eval $(call somemacro,many,different,arguments,many,many,many))

somemacro calls other macros:

define somemacro

  $(foreach thing,$(filter-out unwanted-stuff,$(wildcard $1/*)),$(call


othermacro calls yet more functions:

define othermacro

  $(patsubst $1/%.x,$3/.y-%,$2): $3/.y-%: $1/%.x; echo blah blah blah


When I unwind these calls and write the expansion out manually, I invariably
change the order that stuff gets evaluated, which results in variable_buffer
being large enough to avoid triggering the bug.


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