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Windows XP and make 3.80

From: Pablo Alarcón Pavez
Subject: Windows XP and make 3.80
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 10:14:38 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Hello People,

I'm attaching a very simple makefile that have some problem with command interpreter on Windows XP. I haven't found something on the documentation and i'm still trying to figure out if is it there a problem on my set up.

Command: make clean
OS: Windows XP version 2002, service pack 2
make version: 3.80

It interprets "rmdir /q /s lib" as rmdir /q, rmdir /s and rmdir lib with errors.

I'll appreciate any feedback!

Thank's and best regards,
YX Wireless S.A.
# clean - deletes everything that can be rebuilt

        @echo main target

.PHONY: clean 
        @echo make version 3.80 and Windows XP 2002 SP2
        rmdir /q /s lib

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