From: | Thatcher Deane |
Subject: | Oracle Pro-C pre-compiler error PCC-F-02104 & Pro Cobol error PCC-S-0037 |
Date: | Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:54:34 -0700 |
We use gnumake called by scripts created by a contractor for
our QA and production builds. After well over a year of smooth operation
for daily incremental and occasional full builds, we have begun to encounter
intermittent, but persistent error messsages from the Oracle pre-compiler.
We have a TAR open with Oracle but not any leads on the
problem, In part because our compiles and gnumake are mostly a 'black
boxed' portion of the source management system, and I'm new at managing this
without really technical staff, I turn to you. I suspect the problem is
environmental despite the AIX admins denying any changes.
Any help appreciated.
The environment:
gnumake -version
GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath. AIX 4.3.3
Hardware: SP2
The application we are building is SCT's Banner CIS for the City of Seattle
utility billing
So far the problem is in our QA environment only. The same versions
of everything are used in production on different hardware.
The errors claim failure to connect to Oracle, despite having done so
repeatedly in the same compile and being verified manually.
Sample error messages: PRO C PRE-COMPILER ERROR
====== Invoking Pro-C pre-compiler for uapagas (bin) ======
proc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 lines=y select_error=no hold_cursor=yes release_cursor=no maxopencursors=255 maxliteral=160 ltype=none include=/banner/app/2212/cstrain/general/c/ include=/banner/app/2212/cstrain/general/c/ dbms=v8 parse=full sqlcheck=full userid=` grep -i CSTRAIN /oracle/.db_user_passwd | grep -i uimsmgr/ | sed 's/CSTRAIN//' | tr -d ' '` iname=uapagas.pc Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Mon Apr 15 14:59:01 2002
(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
System default option values taken from:
PCC-F-02104, Unable to connect to Oracle
gnumake: *** [/banner/app/2212/cstrain/general/exe.build/uapagas] Error 1 PRO COBOL PRE-COMPILER ERROR
====== Invoking Pro*Cobol pre-compiler for GUAGETP.o (lib)
/oracle/product/817/bin/procob18 include=/oracle/product/817/precomp/public include=/banner/app/2212/cstrain/general/cob ireclen=132 oreclen=132 host=Cobol litdelim=quote maxopencursors=50 ltype=none hold_cursor=no release_cursor=no select_error=yes maxliteral=102 4 dbms=v8 sqlcheck=full userid=`grep -i CSTRAIN /oracle/.db_user_passwd | grep -i uimsmgr/ | sed 's/CSTRAIN//' | tr -d ' '` i name=GUAGETP.pco Pro*COBOL: Release - Production on Fri Apr 12 18:25:08
(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
System default option values taken from:
Precompiling GUAGETP.pco
1 1 ^ PCC-S-0037: Unable to log on to ORACLE with "USERID/PASSWD". ORACLE error number: 604 gnumake: *** [/banner/app/2212/cstrain/general/exe.build/GUAGETP.o] Error 1 Thatcher Deane
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