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Re: GNU Make version 3.79.1

From: Henning Makholm
Subject: Re: GNU Make version 3.79.1
Date: 11 Mar 2002 10:21:24 +0100

Scripsit address@hidden

> make: my_make.mak: No such file or directory (ENOENT)
> Even invokation without any option and an existing 'Makefile'
> delivers a corresponding message.
> What can I do?

You need to tell something about the environment you run make
in. Which operating system? Did you compile make yourself? Are you
really sure the file does exist - can you get a C program of your
own to stat(2) it? Etc.

If you run Linux, try to strace(1) the make process and check
whether the filename gets mangled internally, or some weird
chdir takes place.

Henning Makholm   "Der er ingen der sigter på slottet. D'herrer konger agter
                 at triumfere fra balkonen når de har slået hinanden ihjel."

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