From: | Matt Hastie |
Subject: | RE: Expansion of recursively expanded variables |
Date: | Tue, 26 Feb 2002 12:30:52 -0700 |
My apologies, plain text it is.
I'm using the $(shell ...) function to provide make with information that cannot be
determined via built-in functions. Examples of these functions look like:
define javacc-package-from-jj-file
$(if $(1),$(shell nawk '/package/ { sub(/;/,"",$$2); print $$2 }' $(1)),$(error invalid javacc-package-from-jj-file))
define javacc-class-from-jj-file
$(if $(1),$(shell nawk '/PARSER_BEGIN/ { sub(/PARSER_BEGIN\(/,""); sub(/\)/,""); print }' $(1)),$(error invalid javacc-package-from-jj-file))
In these examples I am using inline nawk to extract information from dependency files. These
examples work fine.
What I'd like to do is use nawk to extract information from the make include file I am
generating (targets.d in the example below), to prevent the output of duplicate targets.
In the following example two files are shown below, the rules.mk file, although complex,
hides the general complexity of make from my simpleton users, and ensures that complete
dependency checking is maintained. The actual makefile for a module is shown beneath the
rules file.
# in file rules.mk
previously-created-targets = $(shell nawk '/javacc-target/ { print $3 }' targets.d)
define create-target-java-class-from-jj-file
$(if $(findstring commontarget,$(previously-created-targets),,
echo "# javacc-target commontarget"
echo "commontarget : commonsource" >> targets.d
echo >> targets.d
echo "$(output-target $(1)) : $(1)" >> targets.d
echo >> targets.d
# in file Makefile
include rules.mk
include targets.d
targets.d : Makefile
$(call create-target-java-class-from-jj-file,com/myjava/myparser1.jj)
$(call create-target-java-class-from-jj-file,com/myjava/myparser2.jj)
My specific problem is that I cannot prevent the duplication of targets that are
common to all instances of the create-target-java-class-from-jj-file rule. At present,
I unnecessarily use double colon target rules on this duplicated targets as a workaround.
Does this make any sense? Or, does the creation of sophisticated rules like these
pervert the philosophy & spirit of make? What do you think?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul D. Smith [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:12 AM
To: Matt Hastie
Cc: 'address@hidden'
Subject: Re: Expansion of recursively expanded variables
%% Matt Hastie <address@hidden> writes:
Pls. try to avoid sending HTML to the mailing list; plain text is quite
sufficient. Thanks!
mh> foo:
mh> @echo "test" > bar
mh> @echo "bar = $(shell cat bar)"
mh> I get the following error:
mh> $ make
mh> cat: cannot open bar
mh> bar =
mh> From reading through the current bug list, it would appear as
mh> though this behavior is manifested as a result of make's current
mh> variable instantiation algorithm, which instantiates all variables
mh> at the beginning of a rule.
mh> With this limitation in place, it is impossible to 'make' a
mh> Makefile from rules which may analyze the makefile under
mh> construction, as follows:
mh> include targets.d
mh> targets.d : Makefile
mh> $(call create-rule-to-append-targets-file)
mh> $(call create-rule-to-analyze-and-append-targets-file) # fails,
mh> because
mh> # shell commands used to interpret the targets.d file contents are
mh> executed
mh> # before the targets.d file is created.
Can you give me an idea of what the contents of these variables might
be, that cause this problem? If they are $(shell ...) functions, then
why are you doing this? Why not just write them directly as shell
commands in the command script?
If they aren't $(shell ...) functions, then how can they "interpret" a
file? Make has no builtin functions that read files, etc.
Paul D. Smith <address@hidden> Find some GNU make tips at:
http://www.gnu.org http://www.paulandlesley.org/gmake/
"Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
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