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MMIO scan performance

From: xystrus
Subject: MMIO scan performance
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 01:01:13 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/

I did some preliminary testing of a mailbox scanning function using
MMIO.  I have /not/ yet done anything with file I/O, so I have nothing
to compare it to.  I thought you guys might be interested in the
resutls anyway.  The test consisted of opening the file, locking it,
scanning it, unlocking it, closing it.  For this test (well, the
second and third ones), I used shared locks, so multiple processes
could read the same mail store simultaneously.

What the (minimalistic, admittedly) scan function does:

 - allocate space for message information
 - mmap the spool file
 - identify the start of each message (headers), start of the body,
   and the end of each message, and save them in an array.  

Here are the stats of the system I ran it on:

Dell Inspiron 5000 (laptop)
Celeron 450
10 GB IDE hard drive

The data that I used to test it with:

-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      2.3M Apr 12 12:29 a (342 msgs)
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      2.3M Apr 12 12:30 b (341 msgs)
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      2.3M Apr 12 12:30 c
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      2.3M Apr 12 12:30 d
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      182M Apr 14 22:15 w (27,399 msgs)
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      364M Apr 14 22:10 y (54,719 msgs)
-rw-r--r--    1 xystrus  xystrus      364M Apr 14 22:08 z

In case it's not clear from the above, a-d are (copies of) the same file,
and y and z are the same file.  [b-d had the IMAP status message
removed.]  The data uses is real e-mail from one of my mailboxes.  It
unfortunately didn't have any attachments in it, as I don't get a lot
of mail with attachments.  I tend to frown on such things... ;-)

a-d are the original, actual mailbox, and w-z are multiple copies of
the same mailbox concatenated together.  The messages range in size
from about 1k to 40k.  Average message size is a little less than 7k.


Test 1

First I used time to see how long it took to scan each of the

  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc a
  total messages: 342
  Command exited with non-zero status 22
  0.06user 0.02system 0:00.46elapsed 17%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (687major+12minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc w
  total messages: 27399
  Command exited with non-zero status 24
  5.02user 1.26system 0:57.52elapsed 10%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (46766major+212minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc y
  total messages: 54719
  Command exited with non-zero status 24
  9.91user 2.47system 1:12.86elapsed 16%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (93416major+348minor)pagefaults 0swaps

I was pretty impressed with this speed, given I was testing on a

Next, I ran the same test with 4 instances running against the same

[Note that the sc program opens the file with exclusive locks; the mt1
program below opens them with shared locks.  Aside from that, they're

Test 2

The first one finished before I could hit return in the second window,
etc.  :)  The times for each of the four processes was within about a
second in each of the three cases:

  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 a"
  $ t
  0.07user 0.01system 0:00.08elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (673major+11minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 w"
  $ t
  5.01user 0.57system 1:03.86elapsed 8%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (46756major+211minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 y"
  $ t
  11.11user 0.76system 1:50.06elapsed 10%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (93405major+346minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Still not bad at under 2 minutes to process almost 55,000 messages in
a 364MB file.  On a laptop with only 128MB of RAM, no less.

Test 3

Here's where it got a little hairy.  I then ran 3 scans on w, and 2 scans
each on y and z simultaneously.  The results on this one were not
quite so nice:

  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt w"
  $ t
  4.85user 0.41system 5:54.07elapsed 1%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (46767major+249minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt y"
  $ t
  9.78user 1.05system 9:58.70elapsed 1%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93416major+384minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt z"
  $ t
  10.08user 1.01system 10:01.47elapsed 1%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93433major+373minor)pagefaults 0swaps

The output from top below is informative:

   10:19pm  up 5 days, 19:47, 17 users,  load average: 7.52, 4.08, 2.03
  106 processes: 105 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
  CPU states: 10.8% user, 14.7% system,  0.0% nice, 74.4% idle
  Mem:   126972K av,  124716K used,    2256K free,       0K shrd, 672K buff
  Swap:  136512K av,   65812K used,   70700K free 94608K cached

So what we see here is we don't want to use a laptop with an IDE drive
and 128MB of RAM as our mail server, if we have a lot of users with
large mailboxes on the same filesystem, and we're using this MMIO
scheme. :)  CPU util is very low, unsurprisingly; this operation is
bound by memory and I/O.  Notice, however, that page faults stay about
the same between the three tests.  I would have expected them to go

I'll be very interested to compare against file I/O to see if
it makes a difference.  My suspicion has been that it will be
noticably slower, though some have indicated with a lower spec machine
file I/O actually improves on the performance of MMIO.  Given that I'm
testing with mailboxes 2x the size of my laptop's RAM, I think that
should show up in my tests.  

What I /did do/ though, was perform the same tests on a much better
system.  Stats:

Dual Celeron 400 (with ABit BP6 mobo)
512 MB RAM
Tekram UW SCSI adaptor
7200RPM UW SCSI drive (er, might be 10,000 RPM, I can't remember)

Unsurprisingly, this system kicked my laptop's ass.

Test 1

  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc a
  total messages: 342
  Command exited with non-zero status 22
  0.11user 0.02system 0:00.26elapsed 48%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (685major+12minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc w
  total messages: 27399
  Command exited with non-zero status 24
  6.71user 0.93system 0:14.41elapsed 53%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
  0inputs+0outputs (46762major+206minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ /usr/bin/time ./sc y
  total messages: 54799
  Command exited with non-zero status 24
  13.70user 2.11system 0:30.26elapsed 52%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93423major+340minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Test 2

  [I did not bother with the first (2MB) mailbox, as it runs too
  quickly to be worthwhile.]
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 w"
  $ t
  6.39user 0.50system 0:15.22elapsed 45%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (46748major+205minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 y"
  $ t
  12.96user 1.09system 0:30.00elapsed 46%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93409major+339minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Test 3

  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 w"
  $ t
  6.31user 0.63system 1:57.87elapsed 5%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (46748major+205minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 y"
  $ t
  13.71user 1.56system 3:39.60elapsed 6%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93444major+348minor)pagefaults 0swaps
  $ alias t="/usr/bin/time ./mt1 z"
  $ t
  13.09user 1.95system 3:40.21elapsed 6%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
  0inputs+0outputs (93444major+348minor)pagefaults 0swaps
The following is output from top just before the first 3 processes
(the 180MB mailbox) died.
      8:18pm  up 12 days,  2:35,  9 users,  load average: 6.06, 3.20, 1.53
    73 processes: 72 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
    CPU0 states: 18.4% user,  2.3% system,  0.0% nice, 78.1% idle
    CPU1 states: 18.1% user,  4.2% system,  0.0% nice, 77.1% idle
    Mem:   512876K av,  509800K used,    3076K free,       0K shrd,
    744K buff
    Swap:  262120K av,   12092K used,  250028K free
    473584K cached
    19640 xystrus   16   0 98764  96M 98216 D     6.8 19.2   0:06 mt1
    19638 xystrus   16   0 98764  96M 98216 D     6.2 19.2   0:07 mt1
    19634 xystrus   16   0  101M 101M  100M D     6.0 20.1   0:07 mt1
    19644 xystrus   17   0 98740  96M 98192 D     6.0 19.2   0:06 mt1
    19642 xystrus   17   0 98740  96M 98192 D     5.3 19.2   0:07 mt1
    19632 xystrus   13   0  101M 101M  100M D     5.1 20.1   0:07 mt1
    19636 xystrus   13   0  101M 101M  100M D     5.1 20.1   0:06 mt1

The load average crept up much more slowly than on the laptop,
reaching the above plateau just before the first three processes died.

What all this tells me is, if you have an IMAP server and a whole
bunch of users with large mailboxes, you want to run it on a machine
with lots of memory and fast drives, preferably fast RAID (probably
1+0, striped and mirrored, to maximize performance gain on reads and
still provide reasonable performance on writes).  CPU really isn't
much of a factor, as it spends a large chunk of time idle on both

Not that any of this really comes as a surprise...  But again, I will
be hugely interested to compare to file I/O.  But, especially since
I'm probably going to have to spec out and build an IMAP server soon,
it's good to have some "real" numbers.


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