% The marking should start at "\staffHighlight". % If there is a full-bar rest and a tempo marking in the first bar, % the marking starts at the end of the tempo marking and ends at % "\stopStaffHighlight". If there is a long tempo marking, the % marking starts at "\stopStaffHighlight" and ends at the end of the % tempo marking. % If there is a full rest instead of a full-bar rest, or if there are % notes, the marking starts at "\staffHighlight". The same applies if % there is no tempo marking. \version "2.24.3" { \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight R1-\markup "without Tempomark" } { \tempo "Tempomark" \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { \tempo "Tempo" \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { \tempo "Tpo." \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { \tempo "Very long Tempomark" \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { \tempo "Tempo with r1 instead of R1" \staffHighlight yellow r1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { \tempo "Tempo with c1 instead of R1" \staffHighlight yellow c'1 \stopStaffHighlight R1 } { R1 \tempo "Tempo in 2nd bar" \staffHighlight yellow R1 \stopStaffHighlight }