\version "2.24.3" \language "english" % \partCombine does not handle divisi (\partCombineApart) that % begins inside two tied notes. Gives warning: unterminated tie % and does not tie the notes together. Top part printed alone % does not trigger this problem (second line). % % Workarounds that change the tie to a slur or omit the tie in % the top part but retain in the bottom part moves the divisi % back one note to begin on the first e natural. FlautoTwoVI = \relative c'' {\clef treble \time 12/8 \key e \minor gs8 fs es es4 e8~ \partCombineApart e^\markup{\small\italic "Flauto II"} d e as b cs } ViolinoTwoVI = \relative c'' {\clef treble \time 12/8 \key e \minor gs8 fs es es4 e8~ e_\markup{\small\italic "Violino II"} d cs as' b cs } \score { \new Staff << \set Staff.aDueText = #"" \partCombine \FlautoTwoVI \ViolinoTwoVI >> } \score { \FlautoTwoVI }