I wanted to test the conversion from midi to Lilypond. I took a midi
file generated with LilyPond, converted it to LilyPond with
arch -32
/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/midi2ly test.midi
(I didn't find any more intuitive way to do the conversion)
But then lilypond failed to process the generated ly file:
lilypond test-midi.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.19.44
Processing `test-midi.ly'
test-midi.ly:16:32: warning: non-UTF-8 input
\set Staff.instrumentName = "
test-midi.ly:16:33: warning: non-UTF-8 input
\set Staff.instrumentName = "?
test-midi.ly:16:32: error: EOF found inside string
\set Staff.instrumentName = "
test-midi.ly:16:32: error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
\set Staff.instrumentName = "
fatal error: failed files: "test-midi.ly"
This is easy to work around by deleting / manually changing the
instrument name, but it's weird enough that LilyPond cannot process
its own files.