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MIDI dynamic marking playback

From: Gilberto Agostinho
Subject: MIDI dynamic marking playback
Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 21:40:22 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.5.1

Hello bug squad,

I found a possible bug with the MIDI output. If the dynamics are in a separate variable than the notes, the first dynamic will be ignored unless the very first command is a \tempo command. E.g.:

A = {
  % \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic-no-repeat
  % \numericTimeSignature
  \tempo 4 = 40
  f''4 f'' f f |

B = {
  s4\ppp s4\ff s4\ppp s4\ff |

  \new Staff <<\A \B>>

The MIDI output of the code above plays as expected: a sequence of soft, loud, soft and loud notes. Now if one of those two first lines of the variable A are uncommented, the MIDI output will be: loud, loud, loud, soft. But then if the \tempo command is put above those lines, the output is once again as expected.


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