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Re: Feature request: Display 4/2 time as allabreve

From: Colin Hall
Subject: Re: Feature request: Display 4/2 time as allabreve
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:56:12 +0100
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

address@hidden writes:

> Hello fellow Lilypond fans,
> since the Renaissance Alla breve mensura is usually rendered in modern
> notation as 4/2 time, I'd appreciate the introduction of a genuine
> possibility to display this time signature as slashed c (exactly like 2/2
> time). In my opinion, the easiest solution, and well acceptable for me,
> were to make this standard behaviour and turn it off by
> \numericTimeSignature. However, it would be equally possible to add
> another selectable value for the #'style property of TimeSignature.

Thanks again, Simon, for the enhancement request.

You can follow progress of your request on the issue tracker here:



Colin Hall

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