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Re: programming error while inserting "ChordNames" in "Staff"

From: Colin Hall
Subject: Re: programming error while inserting "ChordNames" in "Staff"
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 09:41:51 +0000
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

Thomas Morley writes:

> 2013/3/28 David Kastrup <address@hidden>:
>> Thomas Morley <address@hidden> writes:
>>> 2013/3/28 David Kastrup <address@hidden>:
>>>> Thomas Morley <address@hidden> writes:
>>> [...]
>>>> Why would you want to have "ChordNames" internal to a Staff?
>>> It was requested by a german user. He wants the ChordNames printed in a 
>>> Staff.
>>> Is there a better way to achieve it?
>> Use a Staff_symbol_engraver (or whatever it's called) in the ChordNames
>> context?
> Thanks. Suggested.
> -Harm

Thomas, devs, what do you want to do with this thread?

As I understand it, a user on the German forum has tried this, for good
reasons, and it failed with a programming error.

David explained that this is not surprising.

So, we can treat this as a bug, with a resolution that Lilypond
detectings the condition and reports it as an error and exits.

Or the feature of "ChordNames within a Staff" could be documented using
the advice given (but not yet proven?) as per David's last email.

Or we can reject the bug report.

Please advise.


Colin Hall

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