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Some 2.3.12 issues

From: Matthias Neeracher
Subject: Some 2.3.12 issues
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 23:51:30 -0700

Here's some issues I had to work around building 2.3.12 on MacOS:

1) gettext() not found: On MacOS, gettext() is not in the regular POSIX libraries, so lily-guile.cc needs:

#include <libintl.h>

I'm sure this is not appropriate for all platforms, so I suppose some subtlety would be required to make this portable.

2) Generation of latin1.enc fails if not running under X11. I was able to fix this with the following patch:

diff -ruN lilypond-2.3.12-orig/tex/GNUmakefile lilypond-2.3.12/tex/GNUmakefile --- lilypond-2.3.12-orig/tex/GNUmakefile 2004-08-22 22:07:19.000000000 -0700
+++ lilypond-2.3.12/tex/GNUmakefile     2004-08-22 22:13:47.000000000 -0700
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@

 $(outdir)/latin1.enc: GNUmakefile
        echo '/ISOLatin1Encoding ' > $@
-       echo 'ISOLatin1Encoding pstack' | gs -quiet -  >> $@
+       echo 'ISOLatin1Encoding pstack' | gs -sDEVICE=nullpage -quiet -  >> $@
        echo ' def ' >> $@


I'm not a Ghostscript guru, so I'm not 100% positive how appropriate/portable this fix is, but it seems to work.

3) The maj7 Jazz symbol is still broken: As in the last few releases, the hollow triangle symbol for :maj7 is printed as a (raised) M. This is evident, for example, in the chord-names-jazz.ly file. I suspect that it has something to do with the major changes in font handling in 2.3, as the triangle symbol seems to be in the "M" position in the TeX math font.

4) ps2pdf with ghostscript 8.x malfunctions again: In the pdf file, characters are all squished together, while in the ps file, everything looks OK. This only happens with Ghostscript 8.x, not with Ghostscript 6.x. This bug has a curious history: Things were broken in 2.3.8, worked fine in 2.3.9, 2.3.10, and 2.3.11, and now in 2.3.12 seem to be broken again.


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