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Re: add transpose stops line break working correctly

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: add transpose stops line break working correctly
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 16:48:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

Probably, what happens is that you try to force LilyPond to
squeeze in more than what can fit on the second line of the
score. After transposing, you get lots of C# in the chords
that take extra space. If you definitely want to keep the
layout with four bars per line, I'm afraid you have to reduce the
size, at least of the chords. I tried adding the following setting,
which seems to reduce the spacing demands sufficiently much to
enable LilyPond to fit all the music, lyrics and chords also of
the second line.

                \context ChordNames = Changes {
                        \override ChordName #'font-size = #1.0
                        \repeat volta 2 {


Rachel Willmer wrote:
Using Lilypond 2.2.4 on Gentoo Linux, I see the following curious

This file lays out beautifully in its original key. (G major).

If, however, I change the transpose command from "\transpose g g" to
"\transpose g a", then the second system does not break as commanded
after 4 bars, but instead attempts fit on 8 bars (which does not fit!)

Input file attached.

Great program, by the way!



\header {
                title = "I Didn't Know What Time It Was"
                subtitle = "(from \"Too Many Girls\")"
                poet = "Lyric by Lorenz Hart"
                composer = "Music by Richard Rodgers"

verseChords = \chords {
        e2:m  d c d e:m d c d
        e:m d c d g:maj7 a:m7 b4:m7 g:maj7 b:7.5+ b:7
        e1:7.5+ e:7 a:m7 d:9 d:min7 g:7

chorusChords = \chords {
        fis2:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        fis2:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        a:m7 d:7 e:m7 e:m7/d
        c:maj7 b:m7 a:m7 d:7
        fis:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        fis:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        a:m7 d:7 e:m7 e:m7/d
        c:maj7 b:m7 a:m7 d:7
        g1:6.9 fis2:m7.5- b:7.9-
        fis:m7.5- b:7.9-
        e4:m7 a:7 d:m7 g:7
        a2:m7 d:7 g1:maj9
        e2:m7 a:7 a:m7 d:7
        fis:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        fis:m7 b:7.9- e:m7 a:7
        a:m7 d:7 e:m7 e:m7/d c:maj7 b:m7 c:m7.9 f:9.13
        b:7.5+ e:9 a:m7 d:9sus4 g1:6 r1

verseNotes = \notes {
        g4 g8 a fis2 \noBreak
        e8 g e g a2 \noBreak
        g8 a g a fis4. fis8 \noBreak
        e8 g e g a2 \break
        b4 b8 c a4. a8 \noBreak
        g b g b a4. a8 \noBreak
        b g a b c a b c \noBreak
        d c b a g4 fis \break
        e1 \noBreak
        r4 e dis e a2 a e e \break
        g1 ~ g2 r2 \break

chorusNotes = \notes {
        \mark "\\fbox{A}"
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a4 a a8 b g4 \noBreak
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a1 \break
        a2 ~ a8 e4 fis8  \noBreak
        g4 g g8 a fis4 \noBreak
        e e e8 fis d4 \noBreak
        c'1 \break
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a4 a a8 b g4 \noBreak
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a1 \break
        a2 ~ a8 e4 fis8  \noBreak
        g4 g g8 a fis4 \noBreak
        e e e8 fis d4 \noBreak
        d'1 \break
        \mark "\\fbox{B}"
        e2 ~ e8 d c b \noBreak
        a4 a8 fis a4 a8 fis \noBreak
        a4 a8 fis a4 aes \noBreak
        g1 \break
        e'2 ~ e8 d c b \noBreak
        a4 a8 fis a4 a8 fis \noBreak
        a4 a8 fis a4 g \noBreak
        d'1 \break
        \mark "\\fbox{C}"
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a4 a a8 b g4 \noBreak
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a1 \break
        a2 ~ a8 e4 fis8  \noBreak
        g4 g g8 a fis4 \noBreak
        e e e8 fis d4 \noBreak
        d'2. c4 \break
        b2 ~ b8 fis4 g8 \noBreak
        a4 a a8 b g4 \noBreak
        g1 \noBreak
        r1 \break

verseLyrics = \lyrics {
        Once I was young
        yes- ter- day, per- haps,
        danced with Jim and Paul and
        kissed some oth- er chaps.
        Once I was young, but
        nev- er was na- ive, I
        thought I had a trick or two up
        my im- a- gin- a- ry sleeve.
        And now I know I was na- ive.

chorusLyrics = \lyrics {
        I did- n't know what time it was,
        Then I met you.
        Oh, what a love- ly time it was
        How sub- lime it was, too.
        I did- n't know what day it was.
        You held my hand,
        Warm like the month of May it was,
        And I'll say it was grand.
Grand to be a- live, to be young, to be mad, to be yours a- lone.
        Grand to see your face, feel your touch,
        hear your voice say I'm all your own.
        I did- n't know what year it was,
        Life was no prize.
        I want- ed love and here it was
shin- ing out of your eyes. I'm wise and I know what time it is now.

\score { \context Score \notes \transpose g a <<
                \context ChordNames = Changes {
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                \context Voice = Tune {
\notes \relative c'' { \key g \major
                                \time 2/2
                                \repeat volta 2 {
                \context Lyrics = Words { s1 }
                \lyricsto "Tune" \context Lyrics = Words {
                        \repeat volta 2 {

        \midi { }
        \paper {
                #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
%               raggedlast = ##t
                indent = 0.0    


bug-lilypond mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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