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RE: Lyrics assignment problem

From: Bertalan Fodor
Subject: RE: Lyrics assignment problem
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 12:47:33 +0200

>         \new Lyrics \lyrics <<
>           \lyricsto singerA { Pam -- pam -- pam -- pam -- pam. }
>           \lyricsto singerB { La -- la -- la -- la -- la. }
>           \lyricsto singerC { Blah -- blah -- blah -- blah -- blah. }
>         }       
>         >>
> }

Wow! More lyricsto's can be put in the same Lyrics?! Fine!

Now I can really see a need for a doc called "Advanced Lyrics positioning".
I have much experience now, perhaps I will write this some time. (Even for
myself, because I always forget what I found before.)

However, this is still a workaround, but not a solution or an answer why not
my first attempt was correct.

You see, when I say \lyricsto "singer" { words } I think that words should
be aligned to the notes in the Voice context of "singer". 
I wouldn't create a new Voice where there is not a new Voice. It's not good
that I have to experiment with my score - what is the structure Lily eats..
(Takes very much time.)

Thanks for your idea.


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