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Re: warnings from openSuSE rpmlint

From: Peter O'Gorman
Subject: Re: warnings from openSuSE rpmlint
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 08:25:58 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101209 Fedora/3.1.7-0.35.b3pre.fc13 Thunderbird/3.1.7

On 02/11/2011 04:55 AM, Křištof Želechovski wrote:
libltdl7.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit /usr/lib64/libltdl.so.7.3.0 
This library package calls exit() or _exit(), probably in a non-fork()
context. Doing so from a library is strongly discouraged - when a library
function calls exit(), it prevents the calling program from handling the
error, reporting it to the user, closing files properly, and cleaning up any
state that the program has. It is preferred for the library to return an
actual error code and let the calling program decide how to handle the

Although lt__alloc.c contains a definition of lt__alloc_die (alloc_die_default) which does exit() on memory allocation failures, this definition is overridden with one that does not in lt_dlinit.

libtool.x86_64: W: script-without-shebang /usr/share/libtool/config/ltmain.sh
This text file has executable bits set or is located in a path dedicated for
executables, but lacks a shebang and cannot thus be executed.  If the file is
meant to be an executable script, add the shebang, otherwise remove the
executable bits or move the file elsewhere.

Yeah, it's not meant to be executed as is, I guess it was easier to install it with the same rule as every other file in that dir.


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