reporting & analysis tasks to business users. |
charts / reports without coding, or data export to spreadsheet. |
"view-based" reporting. Save time and enhanced db performance. |
is very powerful & easy to use. Gives 100% freedom to create complex
ad-hoc reports, without any programming skills. We reaped excellence
in ROI and got payback in less than a week's time."
Boertien, Philips International. |
seamlessly integrates with your Notes applications and offers powerful
analytical capabilities. The beauty of IntelliVIEW is "power"
with "ease" |
Drag and Drop functionality to sort, filter, group and query data. |
Create sophisticated charts and tabular reports without the help from
IT team. |
Distribute reports over Intranet & Internet. |
Export data into popular formats such as Excel & PDF. |
address@hidden |
www.intelliprintplus.com/iv |
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