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[bug-libmatheval] Adding functions in matheval

From: Emilie Marchandise
Subject: [bug-libmatheval] Adding functions in matheval
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 08:59:56 +0200

Dear developers,
I  currently use matheval as a great library in for my CFD developments.
I recently hardly tried to add in the symbol table a in new function
(smoothed heaviside function over a width epsilon) in the library wich is a
function of two parameters "heav_smooth(x,epsilon)", function which I have
implemented in xmath.cpp(h)
However, I was not able to make it run: several problems occured
- the parser did not recognize the "comma" in the definition of the function
- the evaluator_create(char *string) in matheval could not do the job.
Have you already tried to add such a function of several parameters in your
library or could you give me a clue such I could solve the problem ?
The problem might come from the parser and scanner.l  for with I am really
not familiar ..
Best regards,
Emilie Marchandise
Postdoctoral Fellow
Université catholique de Louvain
Avenue G. Lemaître, 4
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
(Euler Building, office a.217)
Tel: 010/47 23 64
Fax: 010/47 21 80

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