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Re: maint: Remove unnecessary standard library extern function decls.

From: Collin Funk
Subject: Re: maint: Remove unnecessary standard library extern function decls.
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 01:19:33 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 5/9/24 12:32 AM, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> These looks good to me, thank you!  Please push them.


> Btw, if you are used to working on gitlab -- to get feedback from CI/CD
> testing directly -- you can push test branches to your personal fork of
> https://gitlab.com/gsasl/inetutils and add
> "gnu/inetutils.yml@gnulib/pipeline" as the Settings -> CI/CD -> General
> pipelines -> CI/CD configuration file.  Working with gitlab has its own
> set of issues, so there is no requirement to do this, but if you happen
> to be fluent with gitlab this may help improve your contributions.

Ah, thanks for the tips. I stared some of the stuff you and Bruno were
working on in case I got around to learning it. I always felt GitLab's
UI was a bit confusing but I'm not sure if is because I am used to
GitHub, where I host my personal stuff.

Also, btw Inetutils compiles on FreeBSD 14.0. Hopefully that means
other places shouldn't cause *too* much problems.


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