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Re: Gnulib & bootstrap updates

From: Guillem Jover
Subject: Re: Gnulib & bootstrap updates
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 20:07:51 +0200


On Mon, 2024-05-06 at 18:12:53 +0200, Simon Josefsson via Bug reports for the 
GNU Internet utilities wrote:
> I have updated inetutils to latest gnulib (to get the u_* syntax-check
> fixes, and the new faster gnulib-tool.py) and refreshed the bootstrap
> scripts, please test and report if something broke!

Could you consider shipping at least the bootstrap.conf, but ideally
also the bootstrap script in the released tarballs, so that it's easy
to regenerate from gnulib at build time?

(In Debian I'm currently shipping the upstream boostrap.conf as a
local file, which I'd like to eventually drop.)


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