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Re: [PATCH] inetutils: fix the rcp couldn't copy subdirectory issue

From: Mats Erik Andersson
Subject: Re: [PATCH] inetutils: fix the rcp couldn't copy subdirectory issue
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 00:30:00 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Hello there,

thank you for your investigation and report.

Söndag den 22:a december 2019, klockan 23:10, skrev Zhixiong Chi detta:
> The namebuf will get the same allocation address as the one before
> free operation, at the same time because of the recursive call for
> sink function, the targ and namebuf point the same address, then it
> cause the namebuf will get the wrong value with the snprintf function.
> Since the snprintf function doesn't like the strcpy function which
> can overwrite the destination.

It is clear from your suggested patch that you have examined
my old commit 67b49c54, which clearly caused the breakage of
locally receiving a recursive file stream. Therefore I have
just rewound the part relevant to `src/rcp.c' of that exact
commit action, nothing more. Further analysis and discussion
will have this new state as point of departure.

The new situation has been verified to function properly between
systems running OpenIndiana, FreeBSD, and DragonflyBSD.

Again, my humble thanks for your investigation and affort.
Best regards from

  M E Andersson

Post scriptum: A reminder for all interested parties. For best
predictability, a test of r*-executables is best prepared with

  configure \
    --with-path-rlogin=/usr/local/bin/rlogin \
    --with-path-rsh=/usr/local/bin/rsh \

possibly adding

    --with-pam  or  --with-shishi

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