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[bug-inetutils] On the use of non-exiting error().

From: Mats Erik Andersson
Subject: [bug-inetutils] On the use of non-exiting error().
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 18:33:02 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

onsdag den 19 januari 2011 klockan 11:41 skrev Alfred M. Szmidt detta:
>    > > Now both are implemented, but '--ipv6' prints a warning message to
>    > > STDOUT and falls back to IPv4 if the system is not compiled with IPv6
>    > > support.
>    One correction: The warning goes to STDERR, since it is generated
>    by a call
>       error(EXIT_SUCCESS, 0, "Warning: Falling back to IPv4, ...").

Here "..." contains text!

> Please don't use EXIT_SUCCESS for error calls (it doesn't exit).

It is not suppossed to exit.

> Error and warning messages should start in lower case as well, and not
> end in with a end of sentence period (think there is a mention of that
> in the GCS).

There is no single "fprintf" in that file "src/logger.c", but many
error(...) calls. It is a legitimite use to issue error(EXIT_SUCCESS,...)
since it only emits a message to STDERR and does nothing else.

The naught in  "error( , 0, "print-me" )" ensures that no implicit error
message is added, only the explicit "print-me" in this case (and progname).

Do you claim that GNU opposes to this practice, which is clearly stated
in the manpage error(3)?


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