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Where is Hydrant ?

From: Alain Magloire
Subject: Where is Hydrant ?
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 11:06:10 -0500 (EST)

  Is Hydrant still in progress ?

I was tempted, in the last few days to lay down quickly some basic
email browser to test the mailutils library, mailx is incomplete and
frankly a pain to use i.e. mail(x) as general mail reader is awfull.
So I was going to write some basic utilities using ncurses or tvision or
Xterminal since I'm not a Window programmer.

I could take out mutt internal guts and only use the frontend but
mutt unfortunately is too much intertwine with it's own library.
Although it is, it seems a very nice mail reader, I do not feel
like navigating in that complexe piece of code (unless I get $$$$ ;-).

I do not know of any mailer with a clean design that carefully separate
the UI front end with mail handling backend.  Any  suggestions

au revoir, alain
Aussi haut que l'on soit assis, on n'est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!

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