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Re: [GSoC 2017] Work done so far

From: Justus Winter
Subject: Re: [GSoC 2017] Work done so far
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 19:23:18 +0200

Hi :)

Joan Lledó <joanlluislledo@gmail.com> writes:

> It's useful to make a review of the work done in the last months and
> list some of the problems arisen during this period.

Thank you for your nice writeups, they are appreciated :)

> The process of writing the sockets and I/O operations have been quite
> straightforward. Most of actions performed by pfinet's operations are
> already implemented by LwIP, this includes managing the state of the
> sockets and concurrency, so many operations in the LwIP translator
> only check for RPC credentials, call the proper function in LwIP's
> sockets API and return errno. Connect[1] operation is a good example.
> As you may see, some operations like recv and connect itself have
> needed some additional changes to meet the requirements of Glibc, but
> in general, problems have come later.

That is how it should be.  Consider writing a function that maps LwIP
error codes to the appropriate Hurd ones if possible.

> One of the major issues I had was related with the get_openmodes[2]
> I/O operation. The implementation in pfinet[3] returns O_WRITE if our
> local socket hasn't sent the FIN message, and O_READ if the peer
> hasn't sent it. The operation also returns O_NONBLOCK if that flag is
> enabled on the local socket. In LwIP, only the O_NONBLOCK flag was
> supported by lwip_fcntl()[4], so I had to make some changes in that
> function in order to support the other two flags. I wrote a patch[5]
> that was rejected as it was based on some misconceptions and wasn't
> polished, but finally managed to fix it and was accepted to be part of
> the next LwIP release, 2.0.3.

Congratulations :)

> And that's all until today. From the list of tasks I included in my
> proposal[6], the following are still pending:
> - Add support for IPv6
> - Implement other interfaces' operations if needed.
> - Implement support for more than one Ethernet interface.
> - Add support for command-line parameters.
> - Add support for fsysopts.

I'd suggest doing the last two first.  That should be easy actually,
just lift the code from pfinet, and stub out what isn't straight forward
to do.  Once we understand roughly the same flags, we can use lwip as a
drop-in replacement for pfinet and see where things break.

> The prototype is working and is able to connect to the Internet. But
> when one tests it seriously many errors arise, so it's still far from
> being stable and there's still a lot to polish.

I tried it and it worked fine.  Thanks for your work so far :)


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