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another "xmlfs" proposal

From: gnubie10-bugsoccer
Subject: another "xmlfs" proposal
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 11:53:18 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:11:49 +0200, antrik wrote:

> It could be possible though to pick one simple unambiguos XPath syntax
> and use it for the static representation of the document contents...
> That's why the task suggested considering the tree representation with a
> view on both DOM *and* XPath. I'm not sure what is possible here (I know
> very little about XPath), but it's certainly worth looking into.

DOM is a(n object) model for xml documents. In principle, using it or not is 
not the point. I think antrik wanted to say to translate the data model of the 
xml document to an directory structure so that the file _path_ resembles the 
[document structure][0] (PS: example, not puting extra nodes to amend the 
notation). When you use XSLT, you have to select nodes using XPath and learning 
it was vary easy to me because they followed the [principle of the least 
surpise][3] doing things as much compatible with unix directory naming 
convention as possible and using ortogonal concepts (see attribute selection as 
a node queried and as an expression) (PS: indeed, they are following their own 
recomendations about resource location).

I mean: if we want an translator to create an unix directory tree that maps to 
data from an xml and back again, then we should (must?) use an convention that 
resembles xpath.

Take this file named 'tom_sic.xml' (indented as a [MarkDown][] codeblock):

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <pouet:library goudi:name="plop">
            <!--a comment-->
                <author>Mark Twain</author>
                <title>La case de l'oncle Tom</title>
            <book />
            Here is some CDATA
            <sub-library name="pikaplop">
            CDATA, again !

I made some corrections on [Charly Caulet's example][4] (PS: a good examples, 
since it stresses the design). In portuguese, if you correct some quoting you 
must put "(sic)" before the correction. This (PS: unnecessary) comentary is 
just the unique prompt i think i will have to say to avoid saying "something et 
al." (meaning "something and all"). "Al." is abbreviation to "alumni". I know 
my english is bad. But if I do no correct, anybody won't correct me and I wont 

See the following typescript:

    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/book[isbn = '4242']"
    Found 1 nodes:
    -- NODE --
                <author>Mark Twain</author>
                <title>La case de l'oncle Tom</title>
    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/*[contains(name(),'ook')]"
    Found 2 nodes:
    -- NODE --
                <author>Mark Twain</author>
                <title>La case de l'oncle Tom</title>
            </book>-- NODE --
    <book />

A cople of days ago i played a little with this. The Perl module XML::Directory 
creates and xml representing an directory (lets bootstrap this shit!). Follows 

    # refer to 
    use Data::Dumper;
    use XML::Directory::String;1
    if (-d $ARGV[0]) { $dir = XML::Directory::String->new($ARGV[0]0,3,10) }
    else { print "usage: $0 dir\n"; exit };
    $rc = $dir->parse_dir;
    @res = $dir->get_array;
    foreach $line (@res) { print "$line\n"; }

A sample result is 'foo.xml':

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <dirtree >
      <directory name="xml">
        <file name=".dir.pl.swp"></file>
        <file name="dir.pl"></file>
        <file name="final.xml"></file>
        <file name="foo.pl"></file>
        <file name="foo.xml"></file>

I made by hand, as a proof of concept, this directory tree:

    > find dirtree/
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.xml']
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.xml']/@name
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'dir.pl']
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'dir.pl']/@name
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.pl']
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.pl']/@name
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = '.dir.pl.swp']
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = '.dir.pl.swp']/@name
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'perl5.8.8.core']
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'perl5.8.8.core']/@name
    > find dirtree -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -v "notafilename"
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.xml']/@name:foo.xml
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'dir.pl']/@name:dir.pl
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 'foo.pl']/@name:foo.pl
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = '.dir.pl.swp']/@name:.dir.pl..swp
    dirtree/directory/directory/file[@name = 
    > cat dirtree/directory/directory/file\[@name\ =\ \'*\]/@name

That day, i realized some facts. had to try other possibilities but take this 
one just as a main part of the desired result. The interesting one is that, 
like the special file with name "*" from httpfs (that i could not use yet) 
which separates the local namespace and the foreing ("away", don't know, please 
correct) one, using "[" and "]" to enclose the conditional expression that 
selects nodes in a xpath, the XPath creators used the pattern of an array 
element qualified identifier from C language. May be if we do "ls 
dirtree/directory/directory/" we should get "@name file[]". This solves the 
problem of having more than one node. Well, is missing the order of the nodes 
and the commentary shit.

"Special file" as the unix concept. Plan9 takes the "everthing is a file" 
paradigma. I don't know if this is our plan. In addition that, i don't 
understand Hurd concepts to talk about then properly. But if we will create an 
_unix_ diretory tree (with "/" as the relation symbol of the graph), we must 
think a directory as in unix. 

    > hexdump xml/
    0000000 ee2f 0002 000c 0104 002e 0000 0026 0000
    0000010 0024 0204 2e2e 0000 ee34 0002 0018 0c08
    0000020 662e 6f6f 782e 6c6d 732e 7077 8900 cf64
    0000030 ee32 0002 0010 0708 6f66 2e6f 6d78 006c
    0000040 f029 0002 0020 0608 6f66 2e6f 6c70 cf00
    0000050 ee35 0002 0010 0708 6964 2e72 6c70 007e
    0000060 ee49 0002 0018 0608 6964 2e72 6c70 cf00
    0000070 6964 2e72 6c70 cf00 ee47 0002 0014 0908
    0000080 6966 616e 2e6c 6d78 006c c091 ee34 0002
    0000090 0028 1c08 7473 7261 6974 676e 6e2e 746f
    00000a0 6f73 7974 6570 6373 6972 7470 742e 7478
    00000b0 f900 cf21 ee35 0002 014c 1408 6966 696e
    00000c0 6873 6e69 2e67 7974 6570 6373 6972 7470
    00000d0 1800 c06f 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    00000e0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

yeah! i am on an unix.

It is not trivial to select an commentary with xpath (not to me).

    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/*[node()]"
    Found 3 nodes:
    -- NODE --
            </curious_balise>-- NODE --
                <author>Mark Twain</author>
                <title>La case de l'oncle Tom</title>
            </book>-- NODE --
    <sub-library name="pikaplop">
    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/*[comment()]"
    No nodes found
    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/*[commen()]"
    Can't locate object method "commen" via package "XML::XPath::Function" at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/XML/XPath/Function.pm line 69.

don't know what is happening. May be "comments" should go to 
public-qt-comments@w3.org. Diging further at [w3c recommendations][1] i found 
that comment() is for backward compatibility.

    > xpath tom_sic.xml "/libraries/pouet:library/*[not(comment())]"
    Found 4 nodes:
    -- NODE --
            </curious_balise>-- NODE --
                <author>Mark Twain</author>
                <title>La case de l'oncle Tom</title>
            </book>-- NODE --
    <book />-- NODE --
    <sub-library name="pikaplop">

Nobody from w3c wants to select comment? Anybody here still wants to do so? 
(Anybody here still reading?) I don't. I mean to select comment. I doesn't make 
sense. Now i need to go back to the meaning of the file. 

To conclude. May be an comment is not an proper node. If Hurd New Generation 
needs comments, i will do so. I just seams that xpath ain't encoding the 
selection. I tested with the following implementations:

    > perl -e 'use XML::XPath qw(VERSION); print XML::XPath->VERSION . "\n"'
    > sabcmd --version
    sabcmd 1.0.3 (June 26, 2006)
    copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Ginger Alliance (www.gingerall.com)
    The Sablotron XSLT Processor comes with NO WARRANTY.
    It is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1.
    Alternatively, you may use Sablotron under the GNU General Public License.

When i did that directory tree, i had to decide that the "name" attribute of 
"directory" element "disambiguousate" (sorry the neologism usualy makes sence 
in portuguese, please correct me) (PS: makes univocal or unequivocal; makes not 
to call two or more things with the same name). We wont be using ad-hoc xml 
files. It must be valid following certain constraints. I used to think the XML 
document type declaration (thought the 'd' from DTD was "document") as an 
separated thing. Now i see it is an optional part of the same thing. If 
"curious#balise" can't be an name for an xml element, it can not be an name for 
a file on an xmlfs ("xml file system" as a concept, not as an implementation).


    > xmllint dir.xml --postvalid
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE dirtree [
    <!ELEMENT directory (file | directory)*>
    <!ATTLIST directory name CDATA #REQUIRED>
    <!ELEMENT file EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST file name CDATA #REQUIRED>
      <directory name="xml">
        <file name=".dir.pl.swp"/>
        <file name="dir.pl"/>
        <file name="foo.pl"/>
        <file name="foo.xml"/>
    dir.xml:8: element dirtree: validity error : No declaration for element 
    dir.xml:12: element file: validity error : Element file does not carry 
attribute name
    Document dir.xml does not validate

; wont setup an file system translator server.  The `<!ELEMENT dirtree 
(directory)>` is missing and there is a file without name.

Now, with a(n?) [well formed xml][2] "../dir.xml",

    perl -e 'use XML::Simple; $x = XMLin("../dir.xml"); sub md { $n = shift; 
print "mkdir -p $n->{name}; cd $n->{name}\n"; $g = $n->{file}; foreach $f (keys 
%$g) { print "touch $f\n" } $g = $x->{directory}; if (defined $n->{directory}) 
{ md($n->{directory}) } print "cd ..\n" } md($x->{directory})' | sh

will recreate (unserialize) the directory tree (certainly I will use XSLT the 
next time). I must say (again) that I don't want to put any kind of file inside 
an xml. Althought it looks like possible. (PS: actually the files aren't been 

go for it, mf! This rugby is going down...



   [0]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/
        "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM)",
        W3C Recommendation, 23 Jan. 2007.

   [1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/
        "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators", 
        W3C Recommendation, 23 Jan. 2007.

   [2]: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-well-formed
        "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. (Third Edition)", 
        W3C Recommendation.

   [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_astonishment

   [4]: http://deux-fleurs.net/analyse-xmlfs
        "La case de l'oncle Tom"

   [MarkDown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
               "Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation"


I like this task because it ...

.... well i wont say. Just put it to eleven:

    Script started on Thu May 01 15:11:53 2008
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/sbin/svccfg -s apache2
    svc:/network/http:apache2> listprop
    httpd                              application
    httpd/stability                    astring  Evolving
    httpd/ssl                          boolean  false
    network                            dependency
    network/entities                   fmri     svc:/milestone/network:default
    network/grouping                   astring  require_all
    network/restart_on                 astring  error
    network/type                       astring  service
    filesystem-local                   dependency
    filesystem-local/entities          fmri     
    filesystem-local/grouping          astring  require_all
    filesystem-local/restart_on        astring  none
    filesystem-local/type              astring  service
    autofs                             dependency
    autofs/entities                    fmri     
    autofs/grouping                    astring  optional_all
    autofs/restart_on                  astring  error
    autofs/type                        astring  service
    startd                             framework
    startd/ignore_error                astring  core,signal
    general                            framework
    general/enabled                    boolean  true
    start                              method
    start/exec                         astring  "/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 
    start/timeout_seconds              count    60
    start/type                         astring  method
    stop                               method
    stop/exec                          astring  "/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 
    stop/timeout_seconds               count    60
    stop/type                          astring  method
    refresh                            method
    refresh/exec                       astring  "/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 
    refresh/timeout_seconds            count    60
    refresh/type                       astring  method
    restarter                          framework        NONPERSISTENT
    restarter/transient_contract       count
    restarter/logfile                  astring  
    restarter/contract                 count    3909
    restarter/start_pid                count    24825
    restarter/start_method_timestamp   time     1209556078.609862000
    restarter/start_method_waitstatus  integer  0
    restarter/auxiliary_state          astring  none
    restarter/next_state               astring  none
    restarter/state                    astring  online
    restarter/state_timestamp          time     1209556078.612699000
    restarter_actions                  framework        NONPERSISTENT
    restarter_actions/refresh          integer
    restarter_actions/restart          integer
    svc:/network/http:apache2> set prop general/enabled = false
    Usage: set [-vV]
    Without arguments, display current options.  Otherwise set the given 
    svc:/network/http:apache2> svc:/network/http:apache2> set prop 
general/enabled = falsprop general/enabled = false
    Permission denied.
    svc:/network/http:apache2> help
    General commands:    help set repository end
    Manifest commands:   inventory validate import export archive
    Profile commands:    apply extract
    Entity commands:     list select unselect add delete
    Snapshot commands:   listsnap selectsnap revert
    Property group commands: listpg addpg delpg
    Property commands:   listprop setprop delprop editprop
    Property value commands: addpropvalue delpropvalue setenv unsetenv
    svc:/network/http:apache2> help import
    Usage: import file
    Import a manifest into the repository.
    svc:/network/http:apache2> end
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% man -k manifest
    bart_manifest       bart_manifest (4)   - system audit manifest file
    inetconv    inetconv (1m)   - convert inetd\&.conf entries into smf service 
manifests, import them into smf repository
    moe         moe (1)         - manifest the optimal expansion of a pathname
    service_bundle      service_bundle (4)  - service manifest file format
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% man service_bundle
    Reformatting page.  Please Wait... done
    File Formats                                    service_bundle(4)
         service_bundle - service manifest file format
         The service management facility, described in smf(5),  util-
         izes  an XML-based file format to marshal the description of
         a set of services or service instances between systems. This
         file  is  known  as  a service bundle. The primary form of a
         service bundle is the inventory of services  that  are  pro-
         vided by a package, which is called a "service manifest".
         The  DTD  describing  the  service_bundle  is  provided   at
         /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1.  service_bundle
         documents can also use the XML Inclusions (XInclude)  facil-
         ity  to  merge multiple documents into one. A service_bundle
         document manipulator must therefore support the  functional-
         ity defined by the XInclude specification.
         A complete service description consists of the following:
           o  A set of properties that identify the service and iden-
              tify its restarter
           o  A set of properties that identify each instance
           o  A set of framework property groups  that  describe  the
              framework's understanding of each instance
           o  A  set  of  method  property  groups  as  required   by
              svc.startd(1M), or by a delegated restarter
           o  Additional optional method property groups
           o  A set of dependency property groups
           o  An optional group of properties that indicate  services
              to  which  dependencies  on  the described service were
    --More--(34%)          added
           o  A set of application property  groups  or  application-
              specific  typed  property groups containing application
              configuration data
           o  A template that describes supporting information  about
              this  service, such as a description and links to docu-
    SunOS 5.10          Last change: 30 Aug 2004                    1
    File Formats                                    service_bundle(4)
         The document type definition for the service bundle provides
         markup to define each of these aspects of a service descrip-
         tion, as well as a number of entities that identify  regular
         features    in   describing   a   service,   such   as   the
         <create_default_instance> tag.
         The attributes and tags are fully described in the commented
         DTD. The services supplied with the operating system, stored
         under  /var/svc/manifest,  provide  examples  of   correctly
         formed service descriptions.
       Localization in the Template Element
         The description tags in the template element for  a  service
         are  internationalizable. Service developers wishing to pro-
         vided localized descriptions of their services can elect  to
         deliver a set of loctext element in the description, like
               <loctext xml:lang="C">extended accounting<loctext>
               <loctext xml:lang="fr_CA">...</loctext>
               <loctext xml:lang="ja">...</loctext>
         Alternatively, service developers can choose to deliver mul-
         tiple manifests in the naming scheme
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% ls /var/svc/manifest
    application  device       milestone    network      platform     site       
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% ls /var/svc/manifestls /var/svc/manifest | grep 
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% cat /var/svc/manifest/network/http-apache2.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM 
        Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
        Use is subject to license terms.
        ident       "@(#)http-apache2.xml   1.3     06/03/27 SMI"
    <service_bundle type='manifest' name='SUNWapch2r:apache'>
              Because we may have multiple instances of network/http
              provided by different implementations, we keep dependencies
              and methods within the instance.
            <instance name='apache2' enabled='false'>
                      Wait for network interfaces to be initialized.
                    <dependency name='network'
                        <service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/network:default'/>
                      Wait for all local filesystems to be mounted.
                    <dependency name='filesystem-local'
                      Wait for automounting to be available, as we may be
                      serving data from home directories or other remote
                    <dependency name='autofs'
                            exec='/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 start'
                            timeout_seconds='60' />
                            exec='/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 stop'
                            timeout_seconds='60' />
                            exec='/lib/svc/method/http-apache2 refresh'
                            timeout_seconds='60' />
                    <property_group name='httpd' type='application'>
                            <stability value='Evolving' />
                            <propval name='ssl' type='boolean' value='true' />
                    <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
                            <!-- sub-process core dumps shouldn't restart
                                    session -->
                            <propval name='ignore_error' type='astring'
                                    value='core,signal' />
            <stability value='Evolving' />
                            <loctext xml:lang='C'>
                                    Apache 2 HTTP server
                            <manpage title='httpd' section='8'
                                    manpath='/usr/apache2/man' />
                            <doc_link name='apache.org'
                                    uri='http://httpd.apache.org' />
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/sbin/svcadm refresh apache2
    svcadm: svc:/network/http:apache2: Permission denied.
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/sbin/svcadm refresh apach
    svcadm: svc:/network/http:apache2: Permission denied.
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/sbin/s
    /usr/sbin/svcs: Command not found.
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/
    Usage: svcs [-aHpv] [-o col[,col ... ]] [-R restarter] [-sS col] [<service> 
           svcs -d | -D [-Hpv] [-o col[,col ... ]] [-sS col] [<service> ...]
           svcs -l <service> ...
           svcs -x [-v] [<service> ...]
           svcs -?
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/bin/svcs -x
    svc:/network/http:apache2 (Apache 2 HTTP server)
     State: online since Wed Apr 30 08:47:58 2008
       See: httpd(8)
       See: /var/svc/log/network-http:apache2.log
    Impact: None.
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% /usr/bin/svcs -
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         Apr_30   svc:/network/http:apache2
                   16:30:35     1000 httpd
                   16:30:36     1002 httpd
                   16:30:37     1003 httpd
                   16:30:37     1005 httpd
                   16:30:37     1006 httpd
                   16:30:37     1007 httpd
                   17:12:37     1334 httpd
                   17:15:19     1371 httpd
                   Apr_30      24831 httpd
                   Apr_30      24836 httpd
                   Apr_30      25394 httpd
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% uname -a
    SunOS @TRIMMED@ 5.10 Generic_120012-14 i86pc i386 i86pc
    (@TRIMMED@:~) @TRIMMED@% exit
    script done on Thu May 01 15:20:22 2008

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