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bug#74250: emacs-guix: guix-pull invalid input error

From: Christopher Howard
Subject: bug#74250: emacs-guix: guix-pull invalid input error
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:37:32 -0900

So, when inside Emacs, it appears that emacs-guix, after launching the *Guix 
REPL* and *Guix Internal REPL*, adds it's own scheme code to the paths in 
%load-path. In either of these REPLs, I can see that the emacs-guix scheme code 
is the first entry in the list:

scheme@(emacs-guix)> %load-path
$13 = ("/home/christopher/Repos/emacs-guix/scheme" 

However, that path is not in Emacs' own environment, as I can see with getenv:

``` ielm


So, my experiment was to see if I could run the scheme command «(guix-command 
"pull")» from the console instead, just using guix repl. However, since guix 
repl will not load any emacs-guix scheme code, I had to add 
"/home/christopher/Repos/emacs-guix/scheme" to the GUILE_LOAD_PATH in order to 
be able to load (emacs-guix) module.

Hopefully that clarifies what I am seeing.

Looking at this now, I see that there are significant differences between the 
paths for paths in %load-path vs paths in GUILE_LOAD_PATH. Perhaps I am running 
old code from the wrong profile or something. I will try to look into this more.

``` eshell
~/Repos/guix $ realpath 
~/Repos/guix $ realpath 

Christopher Howard

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