We are supposed to be able to control the backend used by Python's Matplotlib via the MPLBACKEND environment variable [1]. This doesn't appear to work for the TkAgg backend:
#+begin_src sh
guix shell python python-matplotlib -- bash -c 'MPLBACKEND=TkAgg python3 -c "import matplotlib; print(matplotlib.get_backend()); import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.plot([1],[2]); plt.show()"'
: TkAgg
: <string>:1: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
However, the TkAgg backend does work if it is hardcoded in the Python script using `matplotlib.use()`:
#+begin_src sh
guix shell python python-matplotlib -- python3 -c "import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('TkAgg'); print(matplotlib.get_backend()); import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.plot([1],[2]); plt.show()"
: TkAgg