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bug#68512: Qutebrowser 3, no sound from pipewire-only system

From: Sergey Trofimov
Subject: bug#68512: Qutebrowser 3, no sound from pipewire-only system
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 19:37:23 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.1

chris <chris@bumblehead.com> writes:

Sergey, your configuration file is working and audio is heard from qutebrowser on this system.

Internet searches surfaced commands like these,
 `strace -e connect pw-dump >/dev/null`

Error messages were seen relating to socket files not found,

Various things attempted, but the socket files missing every time sway started

Finally, tried removing the pipewire-starting parts of the sway config
# exec_always killall -wqr "(pipewire|wireplumber)" \
#   || sleep 1 && ((pipewire &); sleep 2 && (wireplumber &))

Then separately started pipewire and wireplumber "manually" from the shell. The socket files were created and when qutebrowser sound could be heard.

I'm glad you sorted it out. Check what are the environment variables for your sway process (cat /proc/<pid>/environ | tr -s '\0' '\n'). Maybe XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is missing there? Enabling debug logging for pipewire might help as well: https://docs.pipewire.org/page_daemon.html

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