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bug#63068: Apache mirrors are not available anymore

From: glaz
Subject: bug#63068: Apache mirrors are not available anymore
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2023 22:08:37 +0300

Good evening.

Here's another version of patch that changes download URL's for Apache Foundation products.

What I have changed:

* Remove Apache mirror list from download.scm, since all Apache projects now use it's own CDN instead of mirrors * Set proper download URL to dlcdn.apache.org, not download.apache.org mentioned earlier in this discussion. download.apache.org doesn't work. All download URLs on apache.org are set to dlcdn.apache.org * Use archive.apache.org for outdated httpd-2.4.52 package. The 'last resort' trick in the mirror list doesn't work because some mirrors return empty file when you try to download from them, guix returns 'sha missmatch' error.


Attachment: apache_dlcdn.patch
Description: Text Data

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