After the last letter my laptop's motherboard broke. It was replaced recently but all the data was lost from the SSD due to encryption...
TLDR: I made a backup and reinstalled the system.
But the problem still persists. How can I safely move root's profile into the user's one? Tinkering with any root-related things is a danger zone for me, so I won't do anything on my own until there are any clear instructions.
As previously: from root "guix pull" works perfectly. From users it has the same problem (nix-related error).
Grigory Shepelev schreef op vr 17-12-2021 om 09:21 [+0300]:
> Although I was able to "guix pull" with "sudo", as root user
> normally. As far as I know guix pull updates only per-user when
> called.
> Can I use the result from root somehow?
Determine the full store path of root's guix & run that.