The following configuration results in a `~/.run` symlink being created. My expectation is that a `~/run` symlink is created instead. (ie. not a dotfile)
This applies to all other targets. My expectation is that the configuration should expect the exact target and not make an assumption that all targets are hidden files, since that allows for more utility:
(list (service
(guix-defaults? #t)))
(simple-service 'config-files
`(("run" ,(local-file "run"))
("README.txt" ,(local-file "README.txt"))
(".config/guix/channels.scm" ,(local-file "config/guix
(".emacs.d/init.el" ,(local-file "emacs.d/init.el"))
(".vimrc" ,(local-file "vimrc"))
(".gitconfig" ,(local-file "gitconfig")))))))