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bug#51787: GC takes more than 9 hours on berlin

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: bug#51787: GC takes more than 9 hours on berlin
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 14:06:51 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 28.0.50

Hi Mathieu,

> New day, new benchmark. Berlin has two hard drives, which are roughly
> used this way:
> /dev/sda -> / (916G)
> /dev/sdb -> /gnu (37T)

sda consists of two local hard disks that are combined to a RAID.
Here are the disk details:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
   Status                           = Ok                                       
   DeviceDescription                = Disk 0 in Backplane 1 of RAID Controller 
in Slot 3
   RollupStatus                     = Ok                                       
   Name                             = Physical Disk 0:1:0                      
   State                            = Online                                   
   OperationState                   = Not Applicable                           
   PowerStatus                      = Spun-Up                                  
   Size                             = 931.000 GB                               
   FailurePredicted                 = NO                                       
   RemainingRatedWriteEndurance     = Not Applicable                           
   SecurityStatus                   = Not Capable                              
   BusProtocol                      = SATA                                     
   MediaType                        = HDD                                      
   UsedRaidDiskSpace                = 931.000 GB                               
   AvailableRaidDiskSpace           = 0.001 GB                                 
   Hotspare                         = NO                                       
   Manufacturer                     = SEAGATE                                  
   ProductId                        = ST1000NX0443                             
   Revision                         = NB33                                     
   SerialNumber                     = W470QK7K                                 
   PartNumber                       = CN08DN1YSGW0076S00L8A00                  
   NegotiatedSpeed                  = 6.0 Gb/s                                 
   ManufacturedDay                  = 0                                        
   ManufacturedWeek                 = 0                                        
   ManufacturedYear                 = 0                                        
   ForeignKeyIdentifier             = null                                     
   SasAddress                       = 0x4433221106000000                       
   FormFactor                       = 2.5 Inch                                 
   RaidNominalMediumRotationRate    = 7200                                     
   T10PICapability                  = Not Capable                              
   BlockSizeInBytes                 = 512                                      
   MaxCapableSpeed                  = 6 Gb/s                                   
   RaidType                         = None                                     
   SystemEraseCapability            = CryptographicErasePD                     
   SelfEncryptingDriveCapability    = Not Capable                              
   EncryptionCapability             = Not Capable                              
   CryptographicEraseCapability     = Capable                                  
   Status                           = Ok                                       
   DeviceDescription                = Disk 1 in Backplane 1 of RAID Controller 
in Slot 3
   RollupStatus                     = Ok                                       
   Name                             = Physical Disk 0:1:1                      
   State                            = Online                                   
   OperationState                   = Not Applicable                           
   PowerStatus                      = Spun-Up                                  
   Size                             = 931.000 GB                               
   FailurePredicted                 = NO                                       
   RemainingRatedWriteEndurance     = Not Applicable                           
   SecurityStatus                   = Not Capable                              
   BusProtocol                      = SATA                                     
   MediaType                        = HDD                                      
   UsedRaidDiskSpace                = 931.000 GB                               
   AvailableRaidDiskSpace           = 0.001 GB                                 
   Hotspare                         = NO                                       
   Manufacturer                     = SEAGATE                                  
   ProductId                        = ST1000NX0443                             
   Revision                         = NB33                                     
   SerialNumber                     = W470SYTP                                 
   PartNumber                       = CN08DN1YSGW0077F00FQA00                  
   NegotiatedSpeed                  = 6.0 Gb/s                                 
   ManufacturedDay                  = 0                                        
   ManufacturedWeek                 = 0                                        
   ManufacturedYear                 = 0                                        
   ForeignKeyIdentifier             = null                                     
   SasAddress                       = 0x4433221107000000                       
   FormFactor                       = 2.5 Inch                                 
   RaidNominalMediumRotationRate    = 7200                                     
   T10PICapability                  = Not Capable                              
   BlockSizeInBytes                 = 512                                      
   MaxCapableSpeed                  = 6 Gb/s                                   
   RaidType                         = None                                     
   SystemEraseCapability            = CryptographicErasePD                     
   SelfEncryptingDriveCapability    = Not Capable                              
   EncryptionCapability             = Not Capable                              
   CryptographicEraseCapability     = Capable                
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

sdb is an external storage array (Dell MD3400) filled with 10 hard disks
(SAS) in a RAID 10 configuration (36.36 TB effective capacity).  There
are two hot spares that are currently unassigned.  They are used
automatically when the RAID is degraded.  The two RAID controllers have
read and write caches enabled.  The enclosure has two redundant host

Berlin has two host based adapter cards of which *one* is connected to
the array.  Why only one?  Because we don’t have multipathd configured
so that the system could *boot* off the external array with multipath.
Without multipath the storage would appear as one disk device per card,
but it would not be safe to mount them both at the same time.

If we wanted to make use of the redundant connection here: figure out
how to add multipathd to the initrd and set up multipath *before*
handing off control to Linux.  This would effectively double our
bandwidth to the storage.

My guess is that we’re not even close to saturating the available

> I ran the fio benchmark tool on both of them. See the reports
> attached, and the following summary:
> |       | sda       | sdb       |
> |-------+-----------+-----------|
> | read  | 1565KiB/s | 9695KiB/s |
> | write | 523KiB/s  | 3240KiB/s |
> I'm not sure how slow those figures are relatively to the hard drives
> technologies. Ricardo, any idea about that?

It seems awfully slow.  Especially performance of sda is abysmal: this
is a local disk.  sdb is the fancy external disk array that’s hooked up
to two HBA cards.  It should not perform *better* than sda.

I’ll run this on a few of the build nodes to get some more comparisons.


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