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bug#38997: guix import: error: make-session: unbound variable

From: Sergiu Marton
Subject: bug#38997: guix import: error: make-session: unbound variable
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 20:46:56 +0000

It seems that guix import gives me:

guix/build/download.scm:248:2: In procedure tls-wrap:
error: make-session: unbound variable

for every importer that need to download something from the internet.

Here's the full output when trying to import persistent-postgresql

[brown@121407 ~]$ guix import hackage persistent-postgresql
           9 (primitive-load "/home/brown/.config/guix/current/bin/g…")
In guix/ui.scm:
  1806:12  8 (run-guix-command _ . _)
In guix/scripts/import.scm:
   116:11  7 (guix-import . _)
In guix/scripts/import/hackage.scm:
   134:21  6 (guix-import-hackage . _)
In guix/import/hackage.scm:
   333:20  5 (hackage->guix-package "persistent-postgresql" # _ # _ # …)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
    829:9  4 (catch srfi-34 #<procedure 7f25cc591a40 at guix/import…> …)
In guix/import/hackage.scm:
   145:34  3 (_)
In guix/http-client.scm:
    87:25  2 (http-fetch _ #:port _ #:text? _ #:buffered? _ # _ # _)
In guix/build/download.scm:
    435:4  1 (open-connection-for-uri _ #:timeout _ # _)
    248:2  0 (tls-wrap #<input-output: socket 14> "hackage.haskell.…" …)

guix/build/download.scm:248:2: In procedure tls-wrap:
error: make-session: unbound variable

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