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bug#24703: Store references in 8-byte chunks in compiled code

From: Mark H Weaver
Subject: bug#24703: Store references in 8-byte chunks in compiled code
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2016 06:15:04 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1 (gnu/linux)

Here's what happens with a variant of 'unixodbc' with one character
removed from its name, to make an odd number of characters.  The last
character 'c' is all by itself.  The chunks of the reference


are found in the following order:


    8238:       48 b8 2f 67 6e 75 2f    movabs $0x6f74732f756e672f,%rax   ; 
    823f:       73 74 6f 
    8242:       c7 05 6c fa 20 00 34    movl   $0x74652f34,0x20fa6c(%rip) ; 
    8249:       2f 65 74 
    824c:       c7 05 2e 0a 21 00 01    movl   $0x1,0x210a2e(%rip)
    8253:       00 00 00 
    8256:       48 89 05 23 fa 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20fa23(%rip)
    825d:       48 b8 72 65 2f 69 6c    movabs $0x6e62316c692f6572,%rax   ; 
    8264:       31 62 6e 
    8267:       48 8d 1d 5a 94 00 00    lea    0x945a(%rip),%rbx
    826e:       48 89 05 13 fa 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20fa13(%rip)
    8275:       48 b8 37 6e 30 6c 34    movabs $0x336a79346c306e37,%rax   ; 
    827c:       79 6a 33 
    827f:       48 89 05 0a fa 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20fa0a(%rip)
    8286:       48 b8 69 64 72 69 69    movabs $0x6633326969726469,%rax   ; 
    828d:       32 33 66 
    8290:       48 89 05 01 fa 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20fa01(%rip)
    8297:       48 b8 68 76 7a 67 34    movabs $0x396e6e34677a7668,%rax   ; 
    829e:       6e 6e 39 
    82a1:       48 89 05 f8 f9 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20f9f8(%rip)
    82a8:       48 b8 33 39 69 2d 75    movabs $0x6f786e752d693933,%rax   ; 
    82af:       6e 78 6f 
    82b2:       48 89 05 ef f9 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20f9ef(%rip)
    82b9:       48 b8 64 62 63 2d 32    movabs $0x2e332e322d636264,%rax   ; 
    82c0:       2e 33 2e 
    82c3:       48 89 05 e6 f9 20 00    mov    %rax,0x20f9e6(%rip)
    82ca:       b8 63 00 00 00          mov    $0x63,%eax                 ; "c"
    82cf:       66 89 05 e6 f9 20 00    mov    %ax,0x20f9e6(%rip)

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