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bug#65363: Missing support for (library ...) match condition in 'cond-ex

From: Zhu Zihao
Subject: bug#65363: Missing support for (library ...) match condition in 'cond-expand'
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 19:18:16 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 30.0.50

In R7RS, page 14, section 4.2.1 Conditionals. The form 'cond-expand' can
accept following conditions

A <feature requirement> takes one of the following forms:

- <feature identifier>
- (library <library name>)
- (and <feature requirement> ...)
- (or <feature requirement> ...)
- (not <feature requirement>)

The form (library <library name>) is used to test whether a R7RS library
named <library name> exists or not. For example:

 ((library (srfi srfi-1))
  (display "Yes, we have SRFI-1.\n")))

However, this form is currently not supported by Guile. Supporting this
form can help Guile use portable R7RS library more smoothly.

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