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bug#64216: "ice-9 popen" cannot open process on Darwin

From: Torrekie
Subject: bug#64216: "ice-9 popen" cannot open process on Darwin
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 19:30:46 +0800

Can confirm and reproduce this bug on macOS / iOS with Guile 3.0.9, it seems guile-config also affected by this bug which causing "pkg-config" calls always fail.

TorrekiedeMacBook-Pro:pv4 torrekie$ guile-config link
error: ("/opt/homebrew/opt/pkg-config/bin/pkg-config" "--libs" "guile-3.0") exited with non-zero error code 127

In guile-config, pkg-config was called through "open-pipe*"
(define (pkg-config . args)
  (let* ((real-args (cons %pkg-config-program args))
         (pipe (apply open-pipe* OPEN_READ real-args))
         (output (read-delimited "" pipe))
         (ret (close-pipe pipe)))
    (case (status:exit-val ret)
      ((0) (if (eof-object? output) "" output))
      (else (display-line-error
             (format #f "error: ~s exited with non-zero error code ~A"
                     (cons %pkg-config-program args) (status:exit-val ret)))
            ;; assume pkg-config sent diagnostics to stdout
            (exit (status:exit-val ret))))))

By attaching to LLDB I didn't see any exec/posix_spawn/popen been called, by inspecting the source code I see Guile's popen was implemented through `posix_spawn`

// libguile/posix.c
static SCM
scm_piped_process (SCM prog, SCM args, SCM from, SCM to)
#define FUNC_NAME "piped-process"
  pid_t pid;

  (void) piped_process (&pid, prog, args, from, to);
  if (pid == -1)
      /* Create a dummy process that exits with value 127 to mimic the
         previous fork + exec implementation.  TODO: This is a
         compatibility shim to remove in the next stable series.  */
      pid = fork ();
      if (pid == -1)
      if (pid == 0)
        _exit (127);

  return scm_from_int (pid);
#undef FUNC_NAME

The function "piped_process" is a wrapper for "do_spawn", the "do_spawn" retuns -1 while `posix_spawn` or `posix_spawnp` fails which finally regarding to the `_exit(127)` in above code. But obviously posix_spawn calls was working as expected in other programs, by doing `nm` we can see libguile was not actually referenced posix_spawn, instead, it defined an internal implementation of it.
TorrekiedeMacBook-Pro:pv4 torrekie$ nm /opt/homebrew/opt/guile/lib/libguile-3.0.dylib | grep posix_spawn
00000000000bfdb4 t _gl_posix_spawn_internal
00000000000bfc90 t _rpl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose
00000000000bfd18 t _rpl_posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2

In m4/posix_spawn.m4 logics, Guile does not trust Darwin posix_spawn* for some reason which causing REPLACE_POSIX_SPAWN has been defined, I am trying to rebuild one without replacing posix_spawn and see what happens.

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