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bug#52230: 'guild compile' and C(++) extensions (in the context of LilyP

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: bug#52230: 'guild compile' and C(++) extensions (in the context of LilyPond)
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 22:08:45 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.5.0


(Cross-posted to guile-user, guile-devel and the debbugs
issue, I'm unsure where this should go.)

In LilyPond, we have now made a development release with
binaries using Guile 2.2. However, a major problem is that
we don't ship Guile bytecode yet. Notably, one problem
to get the bytecode in a build system is that we are
currently forced to use GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=1 to generate
it -- which means we need to compile the entire suite of
regression tests in order to exercise all files. This
also means spurious test differences when Guile gets
noisy about byte-compilation (https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=16364).
In summary: it would mean a lot less headache to be
able to use 'guild compile'. Unfortunately, this does
not work. One issue is that our Scheme files are mostly
not Guile modules, but loaded directly with primitive-load-path.
This will be a lot of work to fix, but it is on our end.
However, I don't understand how to get around another
issue, which is how our Scheme code interfaces with C++.


Basically, if a Scheme file has something like

  (define-public point-stencil (ly:make-stencil "" '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))

where ly:make-stencil is a procedure defined in C++,
I can get this file to compile, but I can't get files
using it as a module to compile. Investigation shows
that Guile is apparently trying to load the module
when compiling.

$ cat print.scm
(define-module (print))

(display "Module running!")
$ guild compile print.scm
wrote `/home/jean/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/jean/repos/lilypond/print.scm.go'
$ cat import.scm
(use-modules (print))
$ guild compile -L . print.scm
wrote `/home/jean/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/jean/repos/lilypond/print.scm.go'
$ guild compile -L . import.scm
Module running!wrote `/home/jean/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.4/home/jean/repos/lilypond/import.scm.go'

For functions defined in C++, that does not work: they
are added by the entry point in the function that scm_boot_guile
calls, using scm_c_define_gsubr. They aren't defined until
the program is actually run.

So how is 'guild compile' supposed to work with C(++) code?

Thanks in advance,

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