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bug#14347: reset, shift, continuation values truncated inconsistently

From: Ian Price
Subject: bug#14347: reset, shift, continuation values truncated inconsistently
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 20:06:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Jussi Piitulainen <address@hidden> writes:

> The documentation for reset and shift in the
> manual does not quite say, but I believe the
> captured continuation in these examples should be
> the continuation of the shift expression inside
> the reset expression, that is, it should simply
> return the three values in all cases.
Totally agree, this is the behaviour I expect

> scheme@(guile-user)> (let ((k (reset (shift k k) (values 3.1 2 3)))) (k))
> $7 = 3.1

scheme@(guile−user)> (import (only (rnrs) let-values))
scheme@(guile−user)> (let ((k (reset (shift k k) (values 3.1 2 3)))) (k))
$40 = 3.1
scheme@(guile−user)> (let-values (((k) (reset (shift k k) (values 3.1 2 3)))) 
$41 = 3.1
$42 = 2
$43 = 3

So, my first suspicion was that there is some part of the code that
receives the multiple values in a let or something, but neither the
code, nor the ,expand command revealed that. However, when we check with

(let ((k (call-with-prompt
           ((@@ (ice-9 control) default-prompt-tag))
           (lambda ()
             (apply abort
                    ((@@ (ice-9 control) default-prompt-tag))
                    (lambda (cont)
                        ((@@ (ice-9 control) default-prompt-tag))
                        (lambda ()
                          (lambda vals
                              ((@@ (ice-9 control) default-prompt-tag))
                              (lambda () (@apply cont vals))
                              (lambda (cont f) (f cont)))))
                        (lambda (cont f) (f cont))))
           (lambda (cont f) (f cont)))))

Gotcha. The optimizer is getting rid of the multiple values.
On #guile, mark_weaver reminded me of
http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=13966 which I think is the
same issue. But I haven't tested that yet.

Ian Price -- shift-reset.com

"Programming is like pinball. The reward for doing it well is
the opportunity to do it again" - from "The Wizardy Compiled"

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