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Re: r6rs define-record-type is unhygienic

From: Ian Price
Subject: Re: r6rs define-record-type is unhygienic
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 23:36:04 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

> Only a couple of nits with the patch:
>> * module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm(define-record-type0, process-fields):
>                                      ^ a space goes here

>> +         (list (wrap `(immutable ,(syntax->datum #'name))) 
>> (guess-accessor-name #'name) #f)]
> Please avoid lines longer than 80 characters, if possible.
Fixed them all

>> +         (let loop ((_fields *unspecified*)
>> +                    (_parent *unspecified*)
> I realize this was in the original code, but better to use some other
> value to indicate a non-initialized value.  In the future *unspecified*
> will be the same as (values).
For now, I've went with putting

(define *unspecified* (cons #f #f))
(define (unspecified? x) (eq? *unspecified* x))

in the body of the lambda. I think the macro could use a rethink though,
and I'll try to give it one over the weekend.

>>    :use-module ((rnrs records inspection) :version (6))
>> +  :use-module ((rnrs conditions) :version (6))
>> +  :use-module ((rnrs exceptions) :version (6))
>> +  :use-module ((system base compile) #:select (compile))
>>    :use-module (test-suite lib))
> Along the same lines, #:use-module and #:version are the preferred
> spellings now.

> Want to fix the line wrapping and the commit message and resubmit?

Ian Price

"There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation
and naming things." - Phil Karlton

>From f331ecbe9d0f35ef88099d41a5045c01ef5b04ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Price <address@hidden>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 02:43:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix hygiene issues with `define-record-type'

* module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm (define-record-type0, process-fields):
  Preserve hygiene of record clauses.

* test-suite/tests/r6rs-records-syntactic.test ("record hygiene"):
  Add tests.
 module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm            |  296 +++++++++++++-------------
 test-suite/tests/r6rs-records-syntactic.test |   42 ++++-
 2 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm 
index 6431fcf..a497b90 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/records/syntactic.scm
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   (export define-record-type 
-  (import (only (guile) *unspecified* and=> gensym unspecified?)
+  (import (only (guile) and=> gensym)
           (rnrs base (6))
          (rnrs conditions (6))
          (rnrs exceptions (6))
@@ -75,172 +75,162 @@
     (number-fields-inner fields 0))
   (define (process-fields record-name fields)
-    (define record-name-str (symbol->string record-name))
+    (define (wrap x) (datum->syntax record-name x))
+    (define (id->string x)
+      (symbol->string (syntax->datum x)))
+    (define record-name-str (id->string record-name))
     (define (guess-accessor-name field-name)
-      (string->symbol (string-append 
-                      record-name-str "-" (symbol->string field-name))))
+      (wrap
+       (string->symbol (string-append
+                        record-name-str "-" (id->string field-name)))))
     (define (guess-mutator-name field-name)
-      (string->symbol 
-       (string-append 
-       record-name-str "-" (symbol->string field-name) "-set!")))
+      (wrap
+       (string->symbol
+        (string-append
+         record-name-str "-" (id->string field-name) "-set!"))))
     (define (f x)
-      (define (lose)
-        (syntax-violation 'define-record-type "invalid field specifier" x))
-      (cond ((symbol? x) (list 'immutable x (guess-accessor-name x) #f))
-           ((not (list? x)) (lose))
-           ((eq? (car x) 'immutable)
-            (cons 'immutable
-                  (case (length x)
-                    ((2) (list (cadr x) (guess-accessor-name (cadr x)) #f))
-                    ((3) (list (cadr x) (caddr x) #f))
-                    (else (lose)))))
-           ((eq? (car x) 'mutable)
-            (cons 'mutable
-                  (case (length x)
-                    ((2) (list (cadr x) 
-                               (guess-accessor-name (cadr x))
-                               (guess-mutator-name (cadr x))))
-                    ((4) (cdr x))
-                    (else (lose)))))
-           (else (lose))))
+      (syntax-case x (immutable mutable)
+        [(immutable name)
+         (list (wrap `(immutable ,(syntax->datum #'name)))
+               (guess-accessor-name #'name)
+               #f)]
+        [(immutable name accessor)
+         (list (wrap `(immutable ,(syntax->datum #'name))) #'accessor #f)]
+        [(mutable name)
+         (list (wrap `(mutable ,(syntax->datum #'name)))
+               (guess-accessor-name #'name)
+               (guess-mutator-name #'name))]
+        [(mutable name accessor mutator)
+         (list (wrap `(mutable ,(syntax->datum #'name))) #'accessor #'mutator)]
+        [name
+         (identifier? #'name)
+         (list (wrap `(immutable ,(syntax->datum #'name)))
+               (guess-accessor-name #'name)
+               #f)]
+        [else
+         (syntax-violation 'define-record-type "invalid field specifier" x)]))
     (map f fields))
   (define-syntax define-record-type0
     (lambda (stx)        
+      (define *unspecified* (cons #f #f))
+      (define (unspecified? obj)
+        (eq? *unspecified* obj))
       (syntax-case stx ()
-       ((_ (record-name constructor-name predicate-name) record-clause ...)
-        (let loop ((fields *unspecified*)
-                   (parent *unspecified*)
-                   (protocol *unspecified*)
-                   (sealed *unspecified*)
-                   (opaque *unspecified*)
-                   (nongenerative *unspecified*)
-                   (constructor *unspecified*)
-                   (parent-rtd *unspecified*)
-                   (record-clauses (syntax->datum #'(record-clause ...))))
-          (if (null? record-clauses)
-              (let*
-               ((fields (if (unspecified? fields) '() fields))
-                (field-names
-                 (datum->syntax 
-                  #'record-name
-                  (list->vector (map (lambda (x) (take x 2)) fields))))
-                (field-accessors
-                 (fold-left (lambda (x c lst) 
-                              (cons #`(define #,(datum->syntax 
-                                                 #'record-name (caddr x))
-                                        (record-accessor record-name #,c))
-                                    lst))
-                            '() fields (sequence (length fields))))
-                (field-mutators
-                 (fold-left (lambda (x c lst) 
-                              (if (cadddr x)
-                                  (cons #`(define #,(datum->syntax 
-                                                     #'record-name (cadddr x))
-                                            (record-mutator record-name #,c))
-                                        lst)
-                                  lst))
-                            '() fields (sequence (length fields))))
-                (parent-cd 
-                 (datum->syntax
-                  stx (cond ((not (unspecified? parent))
-                             `(record-constructor-descriptor ,parent))
-                            ((not (unspecified? parent-rtd)) (cadr parent-rtd))
-                            (else #f))))
-                (parent-rtd
-                 (datum->syntax 
-                  stx (cond ((not (unspecified? parent))
-                             `(record-type-descriptor ,parent))
-                            ((not (unspecified? parent-rtd)) (car parent-rtd))
-                            (else #f))))
-                (protocol (datum->syntax
-                           #'record-name (if (unspecified? protocol) 
-                                             #f protocol)))
-                (uid (datum->syntax 
-                      #'record-name (if (unspecified? nongenerative) 
-                                        #f nongenerative)))
-                (sealed? (if (unspecified? sealed) #f sealed))
-                (opaque? (if (unspecified? opaque) #f opaque))
-                (record-name-sym (datum->syntax 
-                                  stx (list 'quote 
-                                            (syntax->datum #'record-name)))))
-               #`(begin 
-                   (define record-name 
-                     (make-record-type-descriptor 
-                      #,record-name-sym
-                      #,parent-rtd #,uid #,sealed? #,opaque? 
-                      #,field-names))
-                   (define constructor-name 
-                     (record-constructor
-                      (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
-                       record-name #,parent-cd #,protocol)))
+        ((_ (record-name constructor-name predicate-name) record-clause ...)
+         (let loop ((_fields *unspecified*)
+                    (_parent *unspecified*)
+                    (_protocol *unspecified*)
+                    (_sealed *unspecified*)
+                    (_opaque *unspecified*)
+                    (_nongenerative *unspecified*)
+                    (_constructor *unspecified*)
+                    (_parent-rtd *unspecified*)
+                    (record-clauses #'(record-clause ...)))
+           (syntax-case record-clauses
+               (fields parent protocol sealed opaque nongenerative
+                       constructor parent-rtd)
+             [()
+              (let* ((fields (if (unspecified? _fields) '() _fields))
+                     (field-names (list->vector (map car fields)))
+                     (field-accessors
+                      (fold-left (lambda (x c lst)
+                                   (cons #`(define #,(cadr x)
+                                             (record-accessor record-name #,c))
+                                         lst))
+                                 '() fields (sequence (length fields))))
+                     (field-mutators
+                      (fold-left (lambda (x c lst)
+                                   (if (caddr x)
+                                       (cons #`(define #,(caddr x)
+                                                 (record-mutator record-name
+                                                                 #,c))
+                                             lst)
+                                       lst))
+                                 '() fields (sequence (length fields))))
+                     (parent-cd (cond ((not (unspecified? _parent))
+                                       #`(record-constructor-descriptor
+                                          #,_parent))
+                                      ((not (unspecified? _parent-rtd))
+                                       (cadr _parent-rtd))
+                                      (else #f)))
+                     (parent-rtd (cond ((not (unspecified? _parent))
+                                        #`(record-type-descriptor #,_parent))
+                                       ((not (unspecified? _parent-rtd))
+                                        (car _parent-rtd))
+                                       (else #f)))
+                     (protocol (if (unspecified? _protocol) #f _protocol))
+                     (uid (if (unspecified? _nongenerative) #f _nongenerative))
+                     (sealed? (if (unspecified? _sealed) #f _sealed))
+                     (opaque? (if (unspecified? _opaque) #f _opaque)))
+                #`(begin
+                    (define record-name
+                      (make-record-type-descriptor
+                       (quote record-name)
+                       #,parent-rtd #,uid #,sealed? #,opaque?
+                       #,field-names))
+                    (define constructor-name
+                      (record-constructor
+                       (make-record-constructor-descriptor
+                        record-name #,parent-cd #,protocol)))
                     (define dummy
                       (let ()
-                         #,record-name-sym 
+                         (quote record-name)
                          record-name (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
                                       record-name #,parent-cd #,protocol))
-                   (define predicate-name (record-predicate record-name))
-                   #,@field-accessors
-                   #,@field-mutators))
-              (let ((cr (car record-clauses)))
-                (case (car cr)
-                  ((fields) 
-                   (if (unspecified? fields)
-                       (loop (process-fields (syntax->datum #'record-name) 
-                                             (cdr cr))
-                             parent protocol sealed opaque nongenerative 
-                             constructor parent-rtd (cdr record-clauses))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((parent)
-                   (if (not (unspecified? parent-rtd))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
-                   (if (unspecified? parent)
-                       (loop fields (cadr cr) protocol sealed opaque
-                             nongenerative constructor parent-rtd
-                             (cdr record-clauses))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((protocol) 
-                   (if (unspecified? protocol)
-                       (loop fields parent (cadr cr) sealed opaque
-                             nongenerative constructor parent-rtd
-                             (cdr record-clauses))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((sealed) 
-                   (if (unspecified? sealed)
-                       (loop fields parent protocol (cadr cr) opaque
-                             nongenerative constructor parent-rtd
-                             (cdr record-clauses))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((opaque) (if (unspecified? opaque)
-                                (loop fields parent protocol sealed (cadr cr)
-                                      nongenerative constructor parent-rtd
-                                      (cdr record-clauses))
-                                (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((nongenerative) 
-                   (if (unspecified? nongenerative)
-                       (let ((uid (list 'quote
-                                        (or (and (> (length cr) 1) (cadr cr))
-                                            (gensym)))))
-                         (loop fields parent protocol sealed
-                               opaque uid constructor
-                               parent-rtd (cdr record-clauses)))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  ((parent-rtd) 
-                   (if (not (unspecified? parent))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
-                   (if (unspecified? parent-rtd)
-                       (loop fields parent protocol sealed opaque
-                             nongenerative constructor (cdr cr)
-                             (cdr record-clauses))
-                       (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
-                  (else (raise (make-assertion-violation)))))))))))
+                    (define predicate-name (record-predicate record-name))
+                    #,@field-accessors
+                    #,@field-mutators))]
+             [((fields record-fields ...) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _fields)
+                  (loop (process-fields #'record-name #'(record-fields ...))
+                        _parent _protocol _sealed _opaque _nongenerative
+                        _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((parent parent-name) . rest)
+              (if (not (unspecified? _parent-rtd))
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation))
+                  (if (unspecified? _parent)
+                      (loop _fields #'parent-name _protocol _sealed _opaque
+                            _nongenerative _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                      (raise (make-assertion-violation))))]
+             [((protocol expression) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _protocol)
+                  (loop _fields _parent #'expression _sealed _opaque
+                        _nongenerative _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((sealed sealed?) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _sealed)
+                  (loop _fields _parent _protocol #'sealed? _opaque
+                        _nongenerative _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((opaque opaque?) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _opaque)
+                  (loop _fields _parent _protocol _sealed #'opaque?
+                        _nongenerative _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((nongenerative) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _nongenerative)
+                  (loop _fields _parent _protocol _sealed _opaque
+                        #`(quote #,(datum->syntax #'record-name (gensym)))
+                        _constructor _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((nongenerative uid) . rest)
+              (if (unspecified? _nongenerative)
+                  (loop _fields _parent _protocol _sealed
+                        _opaque #''uid _constructor
+                        _parent-rtd #'rest)
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation)))]
+             [((parent-rtd rtd cd) . rest)
+              (if (not (unspecified? _parent))
+                  (raise (make-assertion-violation))
+                  (if (unspecified? _parent-rtd)
+                      (loop _fields _parent _protocol _sealed _opaque
+                            _nongenerative _constructor #'(rtd cd)
+                            #'rest)
+                      (raise (make-assertion-violation))))]))))))
   (define-syntax record-type-descriptor
     (lambda (stx)
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/r6rs-records-syntactic.test 
index 152e31c..9f9d373 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/r6rs-records-syntactic.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/r6rs-records-syntactic.test
@@ -19,10 +19,13 @@
 (define-module (test-suite test-rnrs-records-syntactic)
-  :use-module ((rnrs records syntactic) :version (6))
-  :use-module ((rnrs records procedural) :version (6))
-  :use-module ((rnrs records inspection) :version (6))
-  :use-module (test-suite lib))
+  #:use-module ((rnrs records syntactic) #:version (6))
+  #:use-module ((rnrs records procedural) #:version (6))
+  #:use-module ((rnrs records inspection) #:version (6))
+  #:use-module ((rnrs conditions) #:version (6))
+  #:use-module ((rnrs exceptions) #:version (6))
+  #:use-module ((system base compile) #:select (compile))
+  #:use-module (test-suite lib))
 (define-record-type simple-rtd)
@@ -115,3 +118,34 @@
 (pass-if "record-constructor-descriptor returns rcd"
   (procedure? (record-constructor (record-constructor-descriptor simple-rtd))))
+(with-test-prefix "record hygiene"
+  (pass-if-exception "using shadowed record keywords fails" 
+     (compile '(let ((fields #f))
+                 (define-record-type foo (fields bar))
+                 #t)
+              #:env (current-module)))
+  (pass-if "using shadowed record keywords fails 2"
+    (guard (condition ((syntax-violation? condition) #t))
+      (compile '(let ((immutable #f))
+                  (define-record-type foo (fields (immutable bar)))
+                  #t)
+               #:env (current-module))
+      #f))
+  (pass-if "hygiene preserved when using macros"
+    (compile '(begin
+                (define pass #t)
+                (define-syntax define-record
+                  (syntax-rules ()
+                    ((define-record name field)
+                     (define-record-type name
+                       (protocol
+                        (lambda (x)
+                          (lambda ()
+                            ;; pass refers to pass in scope of macro not use
+                            (x pass))))
+                       (fields field)))))
+                (let ((pass #f))
+                  (define-record foo bar)
+                  (foo-bar (make-foo))))
+             #:env (current-module))))

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